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Johahn Leung
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I am trying to test it out but it only works with Chrome? Is there a Safari extension?
Myki Authenticator
Login to any account on any device with your fingerprint

Johahn Leung
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As an academic, I am on the constant lookout for tools such as this. However the website didn't have much info. How is the Ink integrated into the document? Is there hand writing recognition? Can I search my hand written annotations?
How about document management? I have 1000s of papers in pdf format, and read a few papers a week at least. Also, Does this app allow for annotations and links...
LiquidText Ink
A fast, ink based way to review and analyze documents

Johahn Leung
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Seems like an interesting idea. But I am confused after reading the PNAT study listed on your site. I thought the trick to Clairy is that the fan forces air into the root system. Yet, in the PNAT study they sprayed the pollutant at the top instead of the fan intake. Ie, the flow direction was reversed. Why? Also, how does this compare with a HEPA filter in terms of efficiency?

Grow your own fresh air

Johahn Leung
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I've been playing around with Journi and really enjoying the interface. Are there any plans to export as a travel blog or link to existing blogs?

Journi Explore
Find 80,000+ travel stories & create your own with ease

Johahn Leung
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Have been using entropay sporadically for years. The fees maybe a bit steep but so far the service has been solid.

Prepaid virtual Visa card

Johahn Leung
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I've used the Web version and it's interesting, being an auditory neuroscientist myself. But the need to sign up in iOS is annoying and immediately raised my stress levels, so I never bothered. Maybe it's just me. Perhaps consider some sort of one click sign on. for iOS
Music for the brain to improve focus, meditation & sleep

Johahn Leung
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IF the technology works, then I can see a market in Australia. Not for the outdoors, that's just plain stupid as others have noted.
However, there are nights here where temperature reach 40 C with high humidity. A lot of homes / apartments don't have or cannot install AC units. Our options are limited to "portable" units that are expensive and noisy.
Something like Zero Breeze may have a...
Zero Breeze
The world's first portable, multifunctional air conditioner

Johahn Leung
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Looks great. Never understood the attraction of Evernote but have been using Simplenote and variants for a while. Will give this a whirl.

A beautiful, flexible writing app for notes and prose

Johahn Leung
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Best use of SMS. Ever.

Text real-time Game of Thrones spoilers to your enemies.

Johahn Leung
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Gday Gareth, it's great seeing new players getting into this space. How would you compare this with the Merkur Futur? One issue I have with the Futur is the size of the razor's head, making it difficult to shave under the nose or small places. How does the T compare?
Rockwell Model T
Customized shaving for $5 per year

Johahn Leung
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Interesting, your site mentioned a trial that's being published. What's the sample size and where is it being published? With such a small blood sample size, the variance can be large. So I assume this is reduced somewhat by the day to day nature of the test. However that will likely be a confounding factor. How sensitive are the measurements? Also, it is a minefield correlating "wellness" with...
Track what's going on inside your body using your blood 🏡