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Joe Kaz
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Productboard led to the death of spreadsheets and emails at our company when it came to product management. I've become a true fan of this solution and the great way it solves such a painful problem. Before adopting we played with Aha! who are a competitor, Productboard blew them out the water as far as I am concerned. Love it.
Pros: Clean UI, focus on solving the core problems, great team who...
productboard 2.0
The product management system for makers who care

Joe Kaz
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Hey, so we just invited a few of our team to have a play and within 30 mins one of the threads had descended into one line chit-chat responses concerning booking meeting rooms and associated costs. This kind of worried me because ultimately you have the same problem as Slack - too much unnecessary info filling up threads/channels. Why is it you think Twist can change this behaviour?
If I had...

Twist 1.0
More productive messaging for teams

Joe Kaz
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Downloaded this. Nice concept but disappointed to see you cannot simply click an image to set it as a desktop image. Instead you have to save to a folder then do the usual right click > services > set as desktop. In addition there is no way to filter by resolution. The first 5 images I attempted to set were fuzzy as hell on my 4k monitor. Nice concept but until you make those two changes,...
Stockmagic for Mac
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