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Leading companies (such as Netflix, Booking, Airbnb, Etsy, etc) are running interesting a/b tests all the time. We capture these experiments along with the corresponding design decisions, which often go unnoticed.

GoodUI Leaks
Discover UI Design Decisions From Leaked A/B Tests

Jakub Linowski
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Hey Everyone. I also wanted to share a few useful collections of patterns that are useful to us when we begin optimization projects (hopefully these might be useful to you as well):
Sometimes we care to see patterns related to specific changes:
Headlines -
Forms -
Or we might care to see...

GoodUI Fastforward
Lift your conversion rate with repeatedly AB tested patterns

Hi, I’m Jakub Linowski and the goal of Fastforward is to find repeatable patterns with the highest probabilities of lifting conversion rates. To do this we run experiments with trusted companies open to testing similar ideas. So far we have identified 71 patterns based on 117 tests and we're adding new tests each month.

GoodUI Fastforward
Lift your conversion rate with repeatedly AB tested patterns

Sales Reps just hate to waste time filling in CRM. So our idea is to use natural language processing and machine learning to automatically capture all data directly from e-mails and upload them to the Client Account.
OXI - AI sales team assistant
AI assistant tracks and improve sales team performance

Jakub Linowski
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This is so amazing ... until 5 seconds into using this cherished invisible UI, you scratch your ass or ear by accident and the super-duper-smart-gestures-solve-everything-UI takes you back a step away from a checkout page and you give up. :)
Project Soli by Google
Your hands are the only interface you'll need

Jakub Linowski
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Two Questions:
1. Do you trust other people's A/B tests?
2. How do you use past A/B tests on your own projects?
- Jakub

GoodUI Evidence
People's A/B test results that show which UI ideas work best

GoodUI Evidence
People's A/B test results that show which UI ideas work best

Jakub Linowski
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Just launched this tool for helping people share feedback quickly on top of existing URLs. What do you guys think?

GoodUI Improve
You can now make UI suggestions to any webpage and share it

GoodUI Improve
You can now make UI suggestions to any webpage and share it

Jakub Linowski
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From the site:
"Around Thanksgiving, my mom called me and asked if she should set an extra place for someone I’m bringing,” Matt recalls. “In that moment I realized how great it would be to have an answer for her that didn’t require me to actually be dating someone.”
Like why would you want to lie to your REAL loved ones?
- Down vote. :)

Invisible Boyfriend
Finally, a boyfriend your family can believe in.

Jakub Linowski
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@ashok. 100% Thanks for sharing. It should clarify once more content is added.

GoodUI Evidence
GoodUI ideas which have been tried and a/b tested by readers

Jakub Linowski
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Decided to test those UI ideas more openly with a little help from the community. Still looking for more a/b tests to write about if anyone is willing to share. :)

GoodUI Evidence
GoodUI ideas which have been tried and a/b tested by readers

GoodUI Evidence
GoodUI ideas which have been tried and a/b tested by readers

Jakub Linowski
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Hope those ab testers in here can benefit from a little boost in testing inspiration. Happy holidays. :)

Exploratory UI ideas to inspire your a/b testing experiments

Exploratory UI ideas to inspire your a/b testing experiments

Jakub Linowski
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Proper sleep, nutrition, and exercise > more pills. Want good concentration? Run around and eat some carrots. :)
Brain enhancing nootropics (pills) company based in SF

Jakub Linowski
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Search is pretty fast. No longer have to manually scan 100s of photos over countless minutes just to find what we're looking for. Nice job :)

Stock Up
The best free stock photos in one place

Stock Up
The best free stock photos in one place

Jakub Linowski
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Hi All. Just hot off the press yesterday. The idea is for us to continuously strive towards providing you with the highest converting UI page templates out there. As we learn from running a/b tests on an ongoing basis, we'll be capturing our insights in a number of flexible, popular and ready-to-use formats such as: Balsamiq, Illustrator and Axure. Expect to gain the best and always evolving...

The highest converting UI templates out there

The highest converting UI templates out there