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JP Boily
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Missive always gets better. Very impressive, considering it's already awesome! Lovely integration that works really well. Thanks folks! <3

Missive + AI
Email productivity for teams boosted by AI

JP Boily
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Love the idea of bite-sized marketing advice & tips!

Learn startup and marketing skills with 1-minute videos

JP Boily
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Congrats on the launch! How easy would it be to replace a PaaS like Heroku by Nitric Deploy?

Nitric Deploy
The right infrastructure, auto-provisioned in your cloud

JP Boily
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Congrats on the launch! One more reason to love Height! Been using it for over a year, and still have no desire to's a first in my life!

Height No-code Automations
Magically keep your tasks up-to-date

Receive real-time alerts on any significant changes in your website metrics. Get alerts via SMS, email & Slack. Easy setup with nothing to install. Metrics Watch offers true peace of mind for your business - if thereโs no alert, thereโs no problem!

Real-Time Google Analytics Alerts by MW
Get instant alerts for significant changes to your metrics

JP Boily
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Hey there, fellow product hunters!
First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to check out the launch of Real-Time Google Analytics Alerts by Metrics Watch.
My name's JP, and I'm the founder of Metrics Watch. For the past 5 years, I've been working hard to make the best friction-free analytics & reporting solutions for businesses.
I'm excited to share our Google Analytics monitoring...

Real-Time Google Analytics Alerts by MW
Get instant alerts for significant changes to your metrics

JP Boily
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Not daily. Ever. It's taking too much mental juice to do that.
I plan once per week (we're trying once every other week right now), plus ~ monthly AND quarterly. With a different level of detail.
What about you?
Whatโs your favorite time frame for planning? Daily, Weekly, or Monthly?
Charlie Gilkey
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JP Boily
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This looks sick! Exactly what I would have liked to have when I was freelancing :)

A tiny time tracker for your next big project

JP Boily
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Yes, absolutely! I've been using for over a year now (~1.5 y probably) and for the first time in my life: I don't want to change tool. I don't see any reason to change, as it does 99% of what I need, in a fast and efficient way, with great customer support.
I used tens of tools over my career, and this is the one (for me, at least).
Do you feel like your current planning/ productivity tools enable you to live up to your potential?
Charlie Gilkey
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JP Boily
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Postmark provides this. No idea how low-code or no-code it can be, though.
Here's the doc for the inbound part:
Adding "email in" functionality
Brandon Hull
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JP Boily
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We moved to Height a few months back and really, really love the product!
It is super flexible while not being cluttered. Their smart views that let you see what you want across multiple lists with filters is a game changer! ๐
Amazing keyboard shortcuts + command center let's you drive everything with your keyboard if you so wish, like I do.
Bonus point: the team is highly responsive when...

All-in-one project management

JP Boily
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Everything those guys touch turns to gold ! Or at least, good design.
Love the "Copy JSX"! <3

Beautiful, free SVG icons from the makers of Tailwind CSS.

JP Boily
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Interesting idea!
I've been a long time Heroku customer (very long time) and I'm curious how it would work vs some addons, the most important being the hosted Postgres database, database backups, etc.
I don't see anything about that in the doc, at first.
What would the migration path look for someone like me with multiple process types (web, sidekiq, cron/clock, etc), a PG database, a Redis...

Make your Heroku web dynos 60% faster with

JP Boily
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Try swiping multiple messages on mobile, you'll be amazed!
Pros: - One tool to rule them all (email, chat, social)- Powerful (collaboration, comments, rules, API, etc)- Fast, very fast.- Mobile app
Cons: None that I can think of.

Missive 3.0
The shared inbox that empowers teams to truly collaborate!

JP Boily
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I've used Bullet Train before it was publicly available and even then, it was amazing. Andrew was super helpful and is moving fast enough to add a lot of value to Bullet Train.It's the SaaS base you always needed. No need to think about all the fluffs like user accounts, teams and billing. it's all in there. And much more.This is a no-brainer for any new app, and even to migrate to for many...

Bullet Train
The Ruby on Rails SaaS-in-a-Box

JP Boily
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Wow! This looks great! Being a big email marketing believer...I tried a few of your competitors and it looks like you came up with the nicest UI of them all. Looking forward to trying the UX eventually :)

Visual Marketing Automation
An insanely fast automation builder by ConvertKit