Looking for someone who wants customized CRM
Have you needed backend to build a web page?
Create an HR survey with only 3 clicks!
(Upcoming Product) Get your teammates' feedback regularly without your efforts
Would you please review my upcoming products and add thoughts?
Do you think what you mentioned in standups can be your achievements?
How companies with 30 to 50 employees know their key players?
Does the company size matter to distinguish great performers and the others?
What are the common assets that key players in your team have?
What is the ideal number of performance review request yearly?
How do you promote your "upcoming product"?
Do you think it is possible to expect someone's depart from the company?
How do you get feedback about you/your performance from your teammate ?
Have you ever been to a hospital speaking a language which is not your first language?
How do you make and keep your resume attractive?
How do you announce your teammate's accomplishment to your team?
In hiring, is reference important to decide to go forward to interview with a candidate?