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  • Jev Bebnevs

    Jev Bebnevs

    Investment banker by day, indie by night
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    Jev Bebnevs
    Your success depends on how well you communicate your ideas. Deckster is a chatbot that helps you to focus on the content & structure of the presentation & tailor your message to your audience, goals, and style, all without leaving your favorite tool.
    Make presentations tailored to your audience, goal & style
    Jev Bebnevs
    Jev Bebnevs
    started a discussion

    Hi everyone, want to meet and greet people here, tell my story and build my product with you!

    My name is Jev, I'm new in PH community and in startup/products/software world at large. Want to meet new people, get new knowledge and also share what brought me here. I have a finance background and for over 5 years have been working as a trader at an investment bank. Just over 3 month ago I've decided that I want to build something useful for people who think of joining stock market...