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Bike is a fast and fluid outliner for macOS.
Your thoughts and ideas flow smoothly across the screen.
Bike also works well with big files, uses open file formats, and is scriptable.
Try it, Bike is different.

Tool for thought

Jesse Grosjean
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Hi Product Hunt! 🎉
“We were promised bicycles for the mind, but we got aircraft carriers instead” – Jonathan Edwards
Bike is a small and flexible "bicycle for the mind". Small enough to fully understand. Once understood it’s flexible enough to be used for many purposes.
Bike is small, but designed for real work. It’s fast. It can handle big outlines that break most apps. It’s also fast at...

Tool for thought

Jesse Grosjean
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And for a future on what's next:
Issue tracker:
More generally there is some question/tension about adding new features without messing up the app simplicity. For example should inline markdown formatting get added? Wouldn't hurt anything really, but does start to make the app seem more complicated.

TaskPaper 3
Plain text to-do lists for Mac

Jesse Grosjean
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For a little history on why I created TaskPaper:
From 2001 to 2007 I created and worked on another program called Mori. My goal was to create the perfect information manager. I added all the feature that I thought I wanted, but for some reason it never worked well for me.
Instead of using Mori I would find myself writing my notes and to-do's in plain text files on my Desktop. As you might...

TaskPaper 3
Plain text to-do lists for Mac

Jesse Grosjean
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Discount: TaskPaper is already 40% off this week for launch. Here's a code for an extra 10% for ProductHunters: 4F618552

TaskPaper 3
Plain text to-do lists for Mac

TaskPaper 3
Plain text to-do lists for Mac