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Jerry James
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Howdy! This is our first launch! A while back, I left a corporate job to backpack through India, pursue a creative writing project and make a rock-and-roll record. During this weird current season of life, my buddy Bob and I hang out on Sunday nights and watch terrible horror movies together (or The Walking Dead). Inevitably, we get hungry and want to grab food, but the usual suspects – Pei...
Share home-cooked meals with neighbors or Facebook friends

OurKitchns is a website that allows home-cooks to share take-away or communal meals with their neighbors or Facebook friends on a suggested donation-basis. A cook can tell his/her story, upload photos, set a suggested donation and a pick-up date/time. We want to create an excuse for friends, neighbors and co-workers to connect over food.
Share home-cooked meals with neighbors or Facebook friends