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Jeremy Kovac
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congrats team, I tried setting it up but there's a nasty bug on Android preventing me from adding a task/plan. everytime I open the keyboard it automatically closes. would love to give it a try once resolved.
Take the stress out of planning and organizing your home
Jeremy Kovac
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Congrats on the launch! Huge fan of this idea and great execution!
Create highlights across the internet & send them to Notion
Jeremy Kovac
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congrats on the launch team!
Fluent 1.0
Learn a new language while you live your life
Jeremy Kovac
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As a PM, Whimsical is my favourite product BY FAR. I can't say enough about how seamlessly all their products work together and how good their attention to detail is. As someone building in the Document editing space with gSweets I'm so fkn pumped to have Whimsical raising the bar for what a Document editor should be. Focus mode + Typewriter mode look magical and I can't wait to try it...
Whimsical Docs
Docs, flowcharts, wireframes, and mind maps in one place
Jeremy Kovac
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This looks unreal! Do you guys have an API? This would make for a brilliant shortcut in gSweets Hit me up if we can collab :D
Snazzy AI
AI-powered content creation. Free for everyone.
Jeremy Kovac
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Brilliantly executed. congrats on the launch team!! š
Find out what Facebook knows about you, and delete it.
gSweets slash commands save you time, and keep you in a state of flow. Our first batch of shortcuts let you format text, add screenshots, and search emojis, GIFs, and stock photos. Add it to Chrome for free today. Designed to be 100% private.
Save time in Google Docs with Notion-like shortcuts
Jeremy Kovac
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Hey folks, I'm so excited to share gSweets with the PH community today!
We fell in love with the speed and simplicity of slash-commands in apps like Slack & Notion. But at work, we use Google Suite. We found ourselves building up the muscle memory, hitting the `/` key in Google Docs and feeling sad when nothing appeared.
After speaking to 30+ product and marketing managers we found...
Save time in Google Docs with Notion-like shortcuts
Jeremy Kovac
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Wow this is amazing. Thanks for your generosity!
Free music every week for videos, ads, games & podcasts
Jeremy Kovac
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Just signed up, this is looks really sleek. Great work team.
New Mailbrew
Here's an all-new Mailbrew, re-made from the ground up.
Jeremy Kovac
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**Google Docs Users**
Hi friends ā I'm obsessed with apps like Superhuman & Notion that make core workflows as fast delightful as possible.
Along with my friend Christoph, we're building gSweets to bring expected, and unexpected shortcuts directly into Google Suite.
If you consider yourself a gDocs power user, I highly recommend you signup to alpha test gSweets today :)...
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 24th of August)
Aaron O'Leary
Join the discussion
Jeremy Kovac
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This is really cool
Play NBA2K20 in your browser with a controller
Jeremy Kovac
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Been using Lunchclub for 2 weeks and really enjoying it. Great work team!
Curated 1:1 professional connections
Jeremy Kovac
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This is really dope! Bookmarked! Great work Jordan :)
Good Books
Largest curated collection of 6,500+ book recommendations.
Jeremy Kovac
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Nice work Colin!
Brand Backgrounds
Custom Branded Virtual Backgrounds for Zoom
Jeremy Kovac
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Really nice work Scott. Clean design and comms. Simple value prop that can totally scale!
Add clickable product tags to any image and share anywhere.
Jeremy Kovac
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@_shahedk I've played with Loom a bit and absolutely love the product. How do you think about your thesis relative to other video-first products like vidyard or vimeo?
Loom PRO
Supercharge the way you communicate with quick videos.
Jeremy Kovac
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Whimsical is BY FAR my favourite new app. Was genuinely happy to become a paying customer. We use you guys for all mockups and flowcharts at Keep up the brilliant work š
Whimsical Projects
Visual project management using sticky notes