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Jerome Biotidara
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This is amazing, this could help with any deposit based industry. I’ve always deposits were inherent barriers and this could provide a way around this.
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Jerome Biotidara
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Are there plans for integration with VR by any chance?

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Jerome Biotidara
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This sounds amazing, however how does it perform on science articles and research papers?
AI Article Writer
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Jerome Biotidara
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This is really cool, are there plans for context of credit versus debit action so I the total can give me the surplus or deficit?
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Jerome Biotidara
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What countries are these media sites based out, and are there ways to make preferences for the release sites?
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Jerome Biotidara
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This is pretty cool. will there be away to trigger an auto recording. So for example if you want a specific site to always get recorded, or to trigger the recording via some short cut? I say this because sometimes I want to capture delta in certain pages and this will be very helpful.
Simple screen + webcam recording
Simple screen + webcam recording. Share after recording

Jerome Biotidara
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This is really cool, it'll be cool if there is a classification for free versus paid.

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Jerome Biotidara
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This looks pretty cool, a cookie cutter solution for setting up a business. Does the process work for IT startups with their unique business format or does this work for only small businesses.
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Jerome Biotidara
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Is there a way to get a global view of claps for the web on a given topic or category?
Instantly add clap/like/vote buttons to your static website

Jerome Biotidara
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Wow this is pretty slick, you just made a client out of me. I just hope there are no caveats down the road with the lifetime membership :).
Shape 2
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Jerome Biotidara
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That's pretty slick. Is this strictly a gmail integration on any text area integration?

Say Less
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Jerome Biotidara
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I think it's a question of how much resources I need to sink it to it. If the scope of the project is wide and prospects of the ideal market situation is huge then yeah, I'll need to validate it. Otherwise, I think I'd try to get something out there ASAP.
Is Idea Validation important to you?
Conor McCarthy
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Jerome Biotidara
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Looks great is there any way to sign up for changes/newd near me.
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