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Jen Looper
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Well done, Nathan and Jeff! Exciting to see the NativeScript integration in all this awesome cross-plat goodness!
Beautifully hand-drawn sketch notes for live events

Jen Looper
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Beautifully made, great interface and API usage!

Who Is My Voice
Did your representatives accept contributions from the NRA?

Jen Looper
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Very excited to get on board with Losant! And I believe this app was built with NativeScript, right?
Losant Go / Discontinued
Losant has discontinued this product.

Jen Looper
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what an awesome idea!

Super Markup World
Use code to create your own platformer

Jen Looper
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Is it like Little Printer?
Turtle Mail
WiFi-connected printer for parents to send messages to kids

Thinga - a search engine for kids
Thinga is a kid-friendly search engine with parental control

Jen Looper
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I really like this product, just found a quality lead using it!

Mention ✪ Influencers Dashboard
Identify the influencers talking about your company

Jen Looper
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Very nice! I'm curious if you have a carbon offset model in place as its an environmental-focussed app?

Tree The World
Let’s show the COP21 that the world cares about our trees.

Jen Looper
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LaunchKit Screenshot builder saves me so much time. It's my go-to for screenshots for the app store at this point. Nice work!

Screenshot Builder Pro by LaunchKit
Create gorgeous App Store screens now for iPad + new layouts

Jen Looper
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I love my smart rope! I use it every day!

Smart Rope
an LED-embedded jump rope displays your workout stats

Jen Looper
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@rrhoover I'm guessing you might enjoy this :D
Emoji Rain
Using Polymer, make it rain Emojis! Because we can!

Emoji Rain
Using Polymer, make it rain Emojis! Because we can!

Jen Looper
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If I were Etsy, I'd be really nervous! A big player in a smallish space. I hope Amazon doesn't bury Etsy and that they treat the craftspeople nicely. Wait and see I guess!

Amazon Handmade
Amazon takes on Etsy. Handmade items crafted by artisans.

Jen Looper
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Congratulations on your successful app, Dean! What tech did you use to build it?

An advert & tracking blocker for iOS.

Build truly native cross-platform apps with JavaScript

Catch insensitive, inconsiderate writing

Jen Looper
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Great product, happy to see their progress over the past year or so!

Prototype, scale, and manage your Internet of Things

Jen Looper
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I use makeappicon constantly. Love it!

Make App Icon
Generate App Icons of ALL sizes with a click