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Jeff Doan
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A reverse job board.
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Aaron O'Leary
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Jeff Doan
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Find product people by what they want to do.
MyPerfectJob is the opposite of a job board; it’s an ideal role board.
Tell companies what you want and don’t want in your perfect role.
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Jaisal Rathee
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Jeff Doan
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I think every person can benefit from learning a bit about what makes other functions in a business successful, even if there are no immediate plans to use that skill. Building relationships is a good idea, and you never know where learning new things will take you. To answer your question, most definitely and I'd add sales to it as well. If you ever want to build a product that is used, these...
I think every developer needs a little knowledge about marketing🤔. Do you agree with me or not?
Isaac Quarshie
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Jeff Doan
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A reverse job board for product people; an ideal role board.
I see endless posts on LinkedIn and Twitter that go by the waste side because we're all too burnt out to care about companies hiring, plus we each have a finite number of people in our network. Or, I get hit up by recruiters for roles that I would never be interested in, or companies I know I would never work for (ahem Facebook).
Companies spend lots of time and money wasted on recruiting by...
Find product people by *what they want to do*. MyPerfectJob is the opposite of a job board; it’s an ideal role board. Tell companies what you want and don’t want in your perfect role. It's free forever for job seekers.
The opposite of a job board; an ideal role board.
Jeff Doan
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I see endless posts on LinkedIn and Twitter that go by the waste side because we're all too burnt out to care about companies hiring, plus we each have a finite number of people in our network. Or, I get hit up by recruiters for roles that I would never be interested in, or companies I know I would never work for (ahem Facebook).
Companies spend lots of time and money wasted on recruiting by...
The opposite of a job board; an ideal role board.
Watch live music concert videos, discover new bands, and experience live shows, even if you weren’t there. Did you miss that one killer show a few years ago? Now you can see what it was really like. Join for free today!
Experience live music, even if you weren’t at the show.
Jeff Doan
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**My love letter to music**
I’ve always been amazed by musicians, and their ability to bring people together through their passions, and inspirations, and ultimately through live shows. I’ve always been in awe, and quite jealous that I was not able to do this myself.
Unlike sports, where afterwards, one half of those in attendance will always walk away disappointed, angered, saddened, etc.,...
Experience live music, even if you weren’t at the show.
Jeff Doan
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Soft-launched my email design system product last month. I've gotten a few users sign up for the launch of the product, which is amazing!
I need to make time to get this over the finish line, but building a downloadable product VS one where you sign into it comes with different mental hurdles for me in terms of:
- what to deliver
- what the product looks like when you download it
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 23 September)
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Jeff Doan
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