All activity

Jean-Luc Winkler
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Sounds like a good idea. The demo does not work, I do get errors in the console which cause the room to not start loading.
This feature would be nice for instead of having closed room, you could seamlessly wander around.

Group calls should feel natural. Online hangouts reimagined.

Jean-Luc Winkler
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great idea! I just got some great hints to new newsletters to subscribe to!
I haven't seen much on no-code topics so I just applied to become a curator for this topic and suggested my first top picks.
Let me know, if I can help you out with this and I will be happy to contribute! :-)
Newsletter Stack
Curated newsletters to help you learn about anything.

Jean-Luc Winkler
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Hey there, what happend to your checklist? Just came across this two year old ProductHunt Page and was wondering wha the website is no longer active? The idea sounds great.

Product Validation Checklist
A system for validating your startup idea

Jean-Luc Winkler
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I love it. Will make a nice picture of every tool I have built so far and hang it on my wall as an art project.

Faux Code Generator
Turn real code into faux code

Jean-Luc Winkler
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very clean and simple to use. what are your main use-cases to use a service like this?
Send secure, encrypted, self-destructing messages

Jean-Luc Winkler
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Love the name, nice website.
Would be nice to see how high the percentage of people is, that you turned down by trying to charge $0.99 for a spot on a waitlist without stating any launch date and info on what to expect. Keep us updated.

All of your screenshots, intelligently organized

Jean-Luc Winkler
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pretty nice! I would love to also see the images that have been uploaded to the tweet as well. In addition: Add a small text-input-field to the feedback function "Something wrong with the image" so that users can tell you what is wrong. Saves you a lot of time searching for it yourself and maybe users see things differently than you do.
I nmy case: I have an emoji in my twitter name, that is...

Screenshot Twitter like a pro

Jean-Luc Winkler
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Hi @beentech , I really like the fact that you offer promotional codes here. Technically, I would activate them using a link with a parameter ( of using an input field that is visible to every user. When I check the pricing on a tool's website and the first thing I see is "I have a promo code" above the pricing table, I automatically assume that I am...
Self-hosted password manager for your business

Jean-Luc Winkler
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gets the job done in an intuitive and simple way. Like the no-frills approach.
Create beautiful Gantt charts

Jean-Luc Winkler
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I can only upload 25% of an 1,9GMB Image before the page completely freezes...Idea looks nice, but it does not work. :-(

Fast peer to peer file sharing web app ⚡

Jean-Luc Winkler
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why don't you consolidate your power with ?
Simple tool for exploring ways to improve your teamwork

Jean-Luc Winkler
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so out of the fortunate people living in the bay area having an at least 30x30 sqft backyrad, how many of them are triggered by an extra 10-12k rental income per year? Sounds like the price tag for a single bottle of wine they open every weekend ;-)
Rent the Backyard
Get an apartment in your backyard at no cost to you

Jean-Luc Winkler
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Would love to test this as an Android or Web-App. ;-)

Pre-installed workouts & option to create your own, for free

Jean-Luc Winkler
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I don't see why I should switch from RescueTime. I can track even more with the free version of RescueTime and have a lot of analytics and a handy API.
I like the fact, that you decided to go open source though.

Track how you spend your time. Privacy-focused & open source

Jean-Luc Winkler
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I would be interested how your bounce rate on the purchase site is and if you can generate a lot more revenue with a lower price.
Pros: simple integration, very easy to use interface.
Cons: way too expansive for an addon that let me select an html element from the DOM and adds a CSS class containing the blur effect.

A browser extension to hide sensitive information on webpage

Jean-Luc Winkler
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great idea, still a lot of work to be done before I would consider paying for this service. 3.99 for one song is a very high price. Make it below 1$ to become a frequently used tool in the mindset of the users (so cheap that I would not even think about clicking the paypal button) instead of a one time service.

Remove vocals from a song leaving only the background music

Jean-Luc Winkler
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it is 2019...when do we stop to "think in genders" and start to build something great together without the fixation on genders?

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