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Real-time monitoring and alerts for Slack administrators

Google Analytics Grader
A Google Analytics Performance Grader

The First Community for Slack Admins

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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Alléluia!! What a release from Zapier!

Code by Zapier
Manipulate your app data with custom code

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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Thanks @bentossell 😃
So yeah, @patricklafrance and I are the co-founders of Picnic Metrics.
I’m CMO at a software company, and my team had a hard time getting real insights from Google Analytics. Sure, you can dig deep into data, but it’s way too complicated for what most marketers and site owners actually need.
Our goal, with Picnic Metrics, is to create a simplified dashboard where all...

Picnic Metrics
A Google Analytics Dashboard everyone will understand

Picnic Metrics
A Google Analytics Dashboard everyone will understand

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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Looking forward to read it! It sucks there is no Kindle version yet, I have to wait for shipping :(

Traction (Book)
A Startup Guide to Getting Customers

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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Thank you @kwdinc for sharing SocialCount! This is only a beginning and several performance optimizations will be made to the crawler (live results) and more social networks will be added. I'm excited to continue improving the product every day and I'm happy to answer any questions you guys may have! Cheers!

Find the most shared content on the Internet.

Find the most shared content on the Internet.

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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I launched a similar app where you can crawl an entire website...

Shared Count
Track URL shares, likes, tweets, and more.

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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Awesome app! The whole office is addicted!

Team Building Activities For Work

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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At every house party we have with my friends, we always fight to put a song on the Apple TV, and most of the time, we cut the song right in the middle because Youtube starts automatically. This app will make sure we listen to Backstreet Boys the whole song haha :-)

Let people control the music

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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@ozguralaz Awesome recommendation. We are publishing more and more content on our blog about best practices, ideas and where to get started.

Smart segmentation that lets you send more personal emails.

Jean-Luc Brisebois
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@jmj Thanks for sharing Jeff!
Working hard to make your customer segmentation easier!

Smart segmentation that lets you send more personal emails.