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Jay Bregman
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Hey ProductHunt! Jay Bregman, CEO of Thimble, here.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned building an insurance startup, it’s that while it is hard to make insurance fun, it’s even harder to make it simple.
At Thimble, we believe that anyone who wants to earn a living should be able to do so on their time, in their own way of working, not on terms set by their insurance company. Thimble is the...

Thimble Small Business Insurance
Business insurance by the hour, day, or month from $5.

Thimble works when you do. Our by-the-job coverage offers an alternative to yearly plans for small businesses and independent workers. Through our app, you can select coverage down to the hour for your next job in less than 60 seconds.

Thimble Small Business Insurance
Business insurance by the hour, day, or month from $5.

Jay Bregman
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Hi PH,
We just launched a new app which delivers on-demand insurance by the job to cover the 57 million people who work independently — such as photographers, handymen, DJs, and others.
As more people freelance, many clients require them to be insured. These workers need easy, mobile access to quick, inexpensive, short-term insurance so they never lose a potential job or have to call an...
Verifly App
$1M on-demand General Liability insurance starting at $5

Verifly delivers on-demand, by the job General Liability insurance by the job for independent workers. Buy in bite-sized pieces, from a single hour to a full month. Get insured in less than 30 seconds.
Verifly App
$1M on-demand General Liability insurance starting at $5