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Jason Perez
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Jason Perez
left a comment
2yr ago
1. Look into trends and what experts in their field are saying. The experts are noticing issues before anyone else. 2. Everyone is a customer and everyone has some pain points. Listening closely and hear what they have to say. 3. Notice when you are in a problem space and a solution space. Take the time to learn about the problem in detail. 4. Lastly go big, large and wild problems need...
Help me out 👀
Gizem Nur Keskin
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Thanks for sharing! I quit my cushy corporate job and took a job in Europe. It worked out well and I stayed in Oslo Norway as a consult for 3 years. Pro's and Con's. Pro's the experience was priceless. I made many friends, learned many different cultures and learned how expats picked up different jobs all around the world. Con's I realized when I came back to the US, that I am a few years...
What is one amazing thing you’ve done?
Magdalena Tran
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Great question. Things that help me is a routine, daily/weekly/quarterly goals, and daily journal.
How do you manage to separate work and personal life when working remotely?
Elina R
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
There are many startups that build a product that customers don't need, won't pay for, or worst can't stay a float long enough for critical mass. Basically sales conquers all, get customers early and get quality feedback as early as possible.
Usual challenges being face on startups? How did you overcome it?
Rhea Reanoga
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Only used Slack and it's worked out very well. But I will take a look at discord.
Do you think building a community on Discord or Slack performs better?
Dilan Aydın
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Online games can help increase teamwork, if done correctly. Building a great team culture is a difficult thing to do in the best environments. How are great team cultures currently created?
Do you think that online games can increase teamwork in the workplace?
Elif Şahinduran
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
The new feature has low value, more of a nice to have. YouTube adding more ads has actually turned me away from the service.
What do you think about Ambient Mode of Youtube - New Feature
Caner Lenger
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
I like your process, although I would spend additional time on step number 1. Focusing on customers, customer interviews, and customer segmentation. Solving a problem for yourself might not be a big enough market segment to make a profit.
What's your process of making new products?
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
I procrastinate way more than I would like. List and deadlines help get me through the procrastination phase and into the motivation phase. Although when I am self-motivated, I get a lot done.
Are you a self-motivated person, or do you procrastinate?
Zekiye Nur Kesici
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Congratulations! Best wishes on the product launch.
Launching in 2 days, what are some last-minute tips you can give?
Elif Duran
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
The future for A.I and human tech looks extremely bright. Many new products will be developed to help humans increase their abilities, to super human levels. Smart phones is only the tip of the iceberg.
What do you think the future of A.I is?
Aaron O'Leary
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
It really depends on your field. If you are going into social media or sw programming, it is not necessary, but nice to have. If you want to become a physician or mechanical engineer, it's necessary.
What do you think about higher education, is it necessary these days?
Natallia Shakhmetava
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
In general I do continue to work after my shit has ended. But it might be for 20-30 min or 1-2 hours. It depends if we are near an important sprint release.
Do you continue working after your shift ends?
Ezgi Aydın
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Completed 90% of my 2022 goals. Starting to plan for 2023 goals.
How are your 2022 goals going?
Aaron O'Leary
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
Thanks for sharing, this has been helpful.
My top 5 best growth marketing hacks
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Jason Perez
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2yr ago
I would first tell my younger self, take a lot of risk. The older you get the more challenging it is to take risk. Also take massive amounts of action. I mean 20% thinking and 80% action. Lastly learn from your actions and failures. Flip the narrative on how you feel about failure to how you feel about success. Because everyone fails more than they succeed.
What's one piece of advice you'd give your younger self at the start of your career?
Gizem Nur Keskin
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Jason Perez
left a comment
3yr ago
I would download this app and start using it.
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