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Really excited to share what I've been working on for the last, I guess, half a year or so.
MindThis combines a knowledge management tool (with markdown notes, cross-linking, and full-text search) and spaced-repetition techniques (like note reviews and flashcards). It's been extremely successful for me, so I decided it's time to share.
One of the latest additions, which I'm pretty happy...

Organize knowledge and remember more with spaced repetition

MindThis is a knowledge management married with spaced-repetition techniques. It lets you organize knowledge, understand topics better, build up your knowledge graph and remember more by creating notes and flash cards.

Organize knowledge and remember more with spaced repetition

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Hello, Product Hunt! 🎉
Really excited to introduce you AI To Cards - a super-simple tool that converts any text into flashcards.
I've been playing around with learning and spaced repetition a lot lately, and found that GPT models are particularly good with not only summarising texts but also extracting the important pieces of information and making quiz-like flash cards. It's actually quite...

AI To Cards
Create Anki cards from text using AI

AI To Cards is a simple tool which converts any piece of text into flashcards. These flashcards can be exported and practiced with in any repetition system like Anki.

AI To Cards
Create Anki cards from text using AI

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Hi everyone 👋
I'm Yanis, the creator of Candl, a non-social book/readings tracker.
I recently relaunched Candl as a progressive web app (PWA), and I am very excited to share the results!
For those who may not be familiar, a progressive web app (PWA) is a type of web application that can be installed on your device like a native app but is still delivered through the web. It means that Candl...

Candl Progressive
A reading tracker for book lovers, now a progressive webapp

Candl is a reading tracker for book lovers, now available as a progressive web app. You can add books to your reading lists, personal goals, and notes. As a progressive web app, it can be installed on your phone, making it easy to track your readings.

Candl Progressive
A reading tracker for book lovers, now a progressive webapp

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Hi guys!
I know lots of you are great makers who are into front-end technologies.
On this lazy sunny Sunday afternoon, I want to share with you my JavaScript newsletter. I read many tech articles throughout the week and then share the best ones in this weekly newsletter.
It's also completely free, so please welcome! 10JS!

Best JavaScript articles handpicked with ❤️

The front-end technologies evolve fast. We need to monitor latest trends, news, and articles.
Here's a shortcut.
I read through dozens of JavaScript articles weekly and pick up the best ones for you, with a brief overview and my opinion where aplicable.

Best JavaScript articles handpicked with ❤️

Rekowl is a simple knowledge management system:
1. It allows you to capture notes and organize them with tags
2. All notes are simple markdown files which can be downloaded at any time (you own your data)
3. Space-repetition review system similar to Anki

Your personal knowledge library

Candl makes it easy for an avid reader to track and plan books, set read reading goals ("read 20 books this year"), and add private notes (reviews, citations, highlights, etc.).
Accompanied by mobile apps that let's add a book by scanning a barcode.

Candl Book Tracker v2
The non-social book tracker app