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Jane Sorensen
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In 2016 they had a real problem with the friend-interaction algorithm that felt like social engineering - who sees whose content about particular topics and just in general. I felt like I was being relationship-funnelled; it was also the year that everyone seemed to be positively addicted
What do you hate about Facebook?
Andrew Tye
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Jane Sorensen
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Who's working on browser extensions, especially when they pertain to email
I find I often get ideas about powering up browsers to deal with The Tabs and The Email an awful lot, because these two things proliferate and hijack one's time unless one is ruthless about closing and deleting them.
I've put several extensions ideas out into the 'verse here (even submitted one of them to Boomerang as a service they could naturally provide in their browser-based Gmail...
Jane Sorensen
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I'm really enjoying Toucan, but is there a way you can disable it for printing? I have an article I want to save and it's got plain-formatted German words throughout. (If they were highlighted it might help a little.)
Learn a new language while you browse the web.
Jane Sorensen
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Creating a portfolio, and how to add/showcase a project in it.
Hi Makers,
I'm aware I should create a portfolio for a job hunt and I'm presently cleaning up and archiving (and soon redesigning) my website. I've removed several of my blog posts both from my site's blog and from Medium. My wish is to really pare it back and have an attractive, minimalist site, without defunct projects on it.
How would I put those projects into a portfolio that a...
Jane Sorensen
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But I only meditate sporadically, which means I don't get the benefits - unless running provides them instead (I don't run daily; ideally I should meditate on the days I don't run). I meditated almost every day for over a year, and started with a Zen course at a Buddhist temple years ago. I have listened to guided meditations on YouTube and Podcasts, but when I sit down to practice, I use a...
Do you meditate? Which apps do you use?
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Jane Sorensen
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Many are enabled by default so I don't necessarily reject them but I don't pay attention to them either. The only welcome dings are text messages, AirBnB messages/bookings, WhatsApp messages, Messenger messages, and iCal alerts that I set up. Instagram DMs and Strava also send me banner/bubble notifications, and honestly I'm a sucker for the Strava ones, but I need to turn them off (and will do...
Do you use push notifications on your smartphone? Name the apps in your comments.
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Jane Sorensen
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@bethstachenfeld It starts with "What about this kind of task is a chore or a struggle?" At the end of the convo: "Is there anything else we've missed / haven't talked about?"
What do you ask users in an early feedback meeting?
Bethany Stachenfeld
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Jane Sorensen
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This is EXACTLY the thing I would have wanted for my blogs from 1998 - 2003. Now, well, maybe I could put it in my way-too-unnoticed TinyLetter account at my vanity URL…
For when you need a little more Keanu in your life
Jane Sorensen
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I hope it has a preamble that discusses animal welfare and encourages people towards the vegetarian options. Cheap meat, cheap milk, and cheap eggs are definitively a source of great misery. As a vegetarian who buys organic milk and eggs and, often, cheese, I'm within my food budget of $2400/year Canadian, having spent $1221 so far (beginning of July). I don't coupon clip or budget-shop (but I...
Budget Meal Planner
Eat for $5 a Day ✨
Jane Sorensen
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@evan_fishman I record blocks of intentional time or "this is the time I spent on…" on projects in iCal/Google Calendar (synced), and I write things down in my agenda both as intentions and as "I did this today." I also record the weather of that day because there are two major keys to placing a memory in a way that you can then find the date that something occurred: what was it like outside...
What tool do you use for tracking your time management?
Evan Fishman
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Jane Sorensen
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@darko_kolev The first thing I would have to say is Don't Take On Too Much because it's a recipe for frustration and decision-spinning. The amount of work a single project requires can sometimes be mind-boggling and if you're starting from scratch and learning as you go, a lot of effort goes unrewarded until it becomes a matter-of-course.
If I find I'm having an unfocused day, I'll use a...
What are your top productivity habits?
Darko Kolev
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Jane Sorensen
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What will happen if you stop feeding and interacting with the animals? Will they die or get sick?
An Augmented Reality tamagotchi with the real wild animals
Jane Sorensen
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Honestly this was a concern for me too before deleting FB. LinkedIn also has something like it. I deleted both accounts but they were syncing with Contacts which has a Birthday calendar, too. However I'd get reminded of birthdays of people I hardly knew, and didn't have birthdays of people I'd want to know, and managing the Calendar eventually became buggy.
Birthdays Reminder
So now you can finally delete your Facebook account
Jane Sorensen
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Found on Twitter, noticed bc …bunnies, obviously. Launch on website/apple store: Apr 19
A virtual rabbit that responds to your voice!
Animated rabbits that, in a VR/AR environment, respond to suggestion (which, TBF, real rabbits do not do unless food is involved, and even then…)
A virtual rabbit that responds to your voice!
Jane Sorensen
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As someone who markets by email - as we all do - this is basically a mistrustful "I wanna take your freebie and don't give a crap about you" affront to reciprocity. Lists already get enough of that. What would be an improvement is having it be a mail-embargo service so that the email recipient can prevent mailing lists from sending more email than the person chooses, OR a roll-up so that it...
Stop giving out your email address online
Jane Sorensen
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The ad is really bad. I would not want to be friends with this girl, and it only encourages people who ARE like this that this is valid and normal behaviour. Marketing: "Address a fear!" Psychology: "Alleviate a fear and turn it into something productive!" Marketing: "Yeah, cha-ching!" Psychology: {facepalm}
Full disclosure: I'm a biologist. That people need to give their immune systems...
Sterilize your keyboard and desk with your phone
Jane Sorensen
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I've finalized and published the second edition of Life's Battle Plan in a fillable-PDF format. It's available here:
Today's goal is to make sure the copy and pages on the whole website site are simplified, up-to-date, and using my new domains as a redirect - unless I can create a one-stop-shop landing page on a third-party platform. The...
Life's Battle Plan
A strategic and operational planner to win the year
Jane Sorensen
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There's a new run of the course starting this weekend - Dec. 15 and 16th (I'll onboard people both days) - subscribe now!
Life's Battle Plan
A strategic and operational planner to win the year