All activity

Jamie W
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I think the website address listed here is wrong.

Connect with the global gay community

Jamie W
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Going to give this a try over the weekend whilst at Startup Weekend HK (plug plug). On-boarding states that the app kicks in at 70% - but the default seems to be 50% when actually running - might need syncing up.

A small app that boosts your Mac's battery by 20%

Jamie W
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Really like that the confirmation code SMS has the code as two groups of three digits. Woo.

Share your availability and get more time with friends

Jamie W
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I love the app look and the concept - but after completing the 18 step (!?) setup it's taking me right back to "Create a Profile". Do I have to wait 24 hours while you churn through 8 years of Facebook photos?

Connecting people by their favorite places, by Gus Kenworthy

Jamie W
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You could add a reference to select where a poop lies on the [Bristol Scale]( perhaps with a relevant little poop icon.
How about some dedicated tracking hardware? Sh*tbit isn't taken yet....

A mobile app for people that poo

Jamie W
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I've been playing with Present for a couple of days. I do like how it dives right in to recording, but it's often catching me unaware and I have to Discard the first video (I should just learn to trim after recording).
I like the ability to add Music - a few more tunes would be nice as mentioned by Marc.
The interface is nice, though native iPhone 6 screen size support would be nice. "My...

Capture your life's journey

Jamie W
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Like the design of the iOS app - would be nicer if it were native for the iPhone 6 and 6+ screen sizes though (they've been out since Sept '14...). I'll try and attract some facebook friends to try it out, but as François says above, if this were a facebook messenger app I would use it daily.

Combine photos with amazing typography