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Jamie Rytlewski
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I’m excited for this as well. One thing that would be great is if on the signup page you used input type email. It’s a pain in the butt to try and lowercase email addresses.
A communication hub that replaces email

Jamie Rytlewski
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What do you do with the data that is gathered? I'm not seeing a privacy policy or anything.

Mark your activities on the map to explore your world

Jamie Rytlewski
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Who did the copy in the images? “Managing home a improvement “

Simplified home improvement project management. 🏠📋

Jamie Rytlewski
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Is there a way to add Accessibility settings to see if colors are accessible. Especially in divergent.

Data Color Picker
Create visually-equidistant palettes for data visualizations

Jamie Rytlewski
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I just received an email saying Station knew I had stopped using it. I was away from my computer for a week. Super creepy that they are keeping logs. I personally do not trust them any more and won't be using it anytime soon.
Pros: I liked how it could put all the apps in app.
Cons: For now stop being so creepy.
One app to rule them all

Feather Icons
Simply beautiful open source icons

Jamie Rytlewski
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What are you doing with the data collected?

Arc App
AI powered location tracker