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Prepare My Legacy solves a common problem you may not have thought about before: how will my loved ones find the information, documents and details they'll need when I pass away? Prepare My Legacy helps families remove stress and worry from times of loss.

Prepare My Legacy
It's never too early to start preparing your legacy

James Ricks
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Hey, PH Community! 👋🏼
I'll be honest. I didn't intend on Prepare My Legacy being a business.
It's something I created for myself after my Grandpa passed away and left my Grandma in a chaotic mess. Because he did all the finances, the bills, the passwords, the insurance, etc. she was totally in the dark and had to figure it out all on her own, while trying to mourn and grieve the loss of her...

Prepare My Legacy
It's never too early to start preparing your legacy

James Ricks
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@mervetarayici Set up a client/user feedback loop to launch along with the product. The first days/weeks/months post-launch can provide priceless feedback that often just goes unseen because of all the hype from launching.
What key steps should a designer take before their product’s launch?
Merve Tarayıcı
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James Ricks
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Beautiful site, Jan!
I taught myself web design and designed my dream website using Webflow. Here was my process...
Jan Demiralp
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James Ricks
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Oooh I love thought exercises like these!
I built something that helps moms and dads know where to find really important things they’d need to know if something were to happen to them.
Explain what you're building to a 5-year-old child.
Sam Lam | Web3 Builder
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James Ricks
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Prepare My Legacy (🇺🇸): All of your important end-of-life documents, details and information from more than 45 categories in one, easy-to-find location.
We're launching here on PH soon!
Can you summarize your product in one line using your native language?