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Iwan Cornelius
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The Earth's magnetic field is generated by electric currents in the molten outer core, and affected by local variations in the mantle and crust. Above the surface, fluctuations of magnetospheric and ionospheric origin are increasingly significant and are impacted by the solar wind. The magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiation and the atmosphere from erosion by the solar...

Amentum Geomag API
Geomagnetic data at your fingertips!

Access to current geomagnetic data is essential to accurate compass navigation. Our API provides a correction (magnetic declination) that converts geomagnetic north (as indicated by the compass) to true north.

Amentum Geomag API
Geomagnetic data at your fingertips!

Iwan Cornelius
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The OECD predicts the value added by the Blue Economy will reach USD 3 trillion in 2030, with significant increases in fisheries, off-shore infrastructure, and port activities.
Science, technology, and innovation play a critical role in protecting our fragile oceans from this economic development, and preserving it for future generations.
Better access to marine forecasting and other...
Amentum Ocean Data API
Ocean data at your fingertipes

Web API access to oceanographic forecasts, hindcasts, and bathymetry data sources.
Amentum Ocean Data API
Ocean data at your fingertipes

Many industries rely on scientific data and models for planning and operations. Our web APIs reduce integration times from days to minutes. The new self-service portal makes it easy to sign up for an account, generate a key, and subscribe to services.
Amentum API Portal
Self-service access to scientific web APIs

The gravitational field of the earth is non-uniform. The geoid is the shape the ocean surface would take if only gravity and the rotation of the Earth were considered. Our API provides access to the EGM2008 model for innovators in navigation and positioning.
Amentum Gravity API
Programmatic access to gravity anomaly and geoid heights

Iwan Cornelius
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Space has a hostile radiation environment that increases the risk of cancers in humans and malfunctions in spacecraft electronics. The types of space radiation of primary concern are:
- Galactic Cosmic Rays from outside our solar system generated by supernovae and other phenomena;
- Solar Energetic Particles produced by the Sun during intense and sporadic bursts of activity; and
- Trapped...
Amentum Space Radiation API
Programmatic access to trapped space radiation via web API

AE9/AP9/SPM is a set of models developed by the US Air Force Research Laboratory that calculates the fluxes of radiation belt and plasma particles in near-Earth space for use in space system design, mission planning, and other climatological applications.
Amentum Space Radiation API
Programmatic access to trapped space radiation via web API