Raju Singh

Raju Singh

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Raju Singh
Raju Singh
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Anyone has a secret SEO tip that worked recently?

Hey Folks, Just curious to know if there is something peculiar (or a tool) anyone tried for organic traffic that really worked for your startup in last 6 months or so. Please share this with data and explain why you think it worked.
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
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Wow. This looks cool and can be good partial viewing. Great sneak peak tool.
Linkz.ai 3.0
Linkz.ai 3.0
Maximize visitor retention with live link previews
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
started a discussion

Claude or GPT-4?

What do prefer and why?
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
left a comment
Does this also help on the emphasis part of the presentations?
Stop speaking too fast during presentations
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
started a discussion

How do you utilize your Sundays?

I do my week plan and finishup any pre task for Monday.
Raju Singh
Raju Singh
started a discussion

Hunter or No Hunter?

have you hired a paid Hunter and how has been your exp working with them?