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Browse the top 1000 GitHub repositories based on stars, pull requests, and issues. Hide repos that you don't need, they stay hidden every time you open the page. See the top pull requests and issues closed in the last 12 months of each repository.

Top 1000 Repos
Easy way to browse the top 1000 GitHub repositories

M Imam Pratama
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Who it's for:
- Busy developers who want to stay updated about new tools or features but don't want to spend too much time getting updated on Twitter or YouTube about new tools or features that they probably will never need.
- Developers who aren't early adopters. They realize that tools need at least 1-2 years until they become stable which means you can check for the latest tools or features...

Top 1000 Repos
Easy way to browse the top 1000 GitHub repositories

M Imam Pratama
left a comment
Who it's for:
- Developers who check the Stack Overflow Developer Survey results every year and find themselves comparing the result to the previous year's result.
- Developers who want to see the trends of the Stack Overflow survey results to know which tools are rising or declining in demand.

Survey Overflow
See how the Stack Overflow survey results change every year

See how the results of the Stack Overflow survey change over the years.

Survey Overflow
See how the Stack Overflow survey results change every year