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I am an entrepreneur, venture capitalist and senior advisor to VCs and Corporate Innovation Units.
I help with startup fundraising, building new venture funds, company building, personal branding and more.

Illai Gescheit
Inspiring and Empowering Entrepreneurial Leaders.

Illai Gescheit
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Great hunt @pascal_weinberger and congrats @andre_retterath on the launch of the 2024 report. It's really insightful to see who are the driving forces of focusing on data in the VC ecosystem. For me it's about amplifying conviction with data so the Data+Human aspect is a clear value.
Also great to see you evolving it to a Summit and tools.

Data-driven VC Landscape 2024
Invest smarter, not harder: Insights & Tools from 190+ VCs

Illai Gescheit
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We need more ways to incentivise to invest in solar and renewables. Well done and congrats on the launch @Will Wiseman @ilyas Frenkel and @Joshua Moffitt.
Maybe a quick one - what is the biggest differentiator from other investment platform ?

Invest in solar and earn up to 10% annually

Illai Gescheit
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A great combination of physical and virtual innovation - really amazed by where this was a few years ago when I met John at the Zinc offices and where you are today

Sook Store Builder
Retail space as a service, by the hour, with video-walls!

Illai Gescheit
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Love the idea guys and the people you recruited

On Deck Climate Tech Fellowship
A community to start, join & support Climate Tech companies

Illai Gescheit
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I simply love it @nanransohoff . I have been building climate startups for a while now and work with VCs and startups to build more sustainably. We used Stripe as our payment mechanism. This is just great product thinking and focus in leveraging scale for impact. We gave you some love from Zerofirst Ventures as well!
Stripe Climate
Remove carbon as you grow your business

An open-source list of the best venture builders, corporate incubators and accelerators and corporate VCs

The Venture Builders List
A list of the best venture builders & corporate incubators

Illai Gescheit
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If you are an entrepreneur that is looking to build the next sustainability or energy startup, I highly recommend for you to follow this new podcast built by my friends Adam Forbes and John Mushriqui called Frankly - made by BP Launchpad

Frankly: The energy podcast for founders
Episode 1: Breaking into energy

Our first podcast is with serial entrepreneur Christoph Ostermann, CEO & Co-Founder of Sonnen, a residential energy storage systems tech company, recently exited to Shell, and Audun Abelsnes, MD of Equinor & Techstars Energy Accelerator

Frankly: The energy podcast for founders
Episode 1: Breaking into energy

VYVE keeps track of your carbon impact from every journey. And we keep a log, so you can compare your carbon emissions week to week. Information is power and we want to inspire you to take control, set your own bar, reduce and offset the rest.
Easily understand, track and reduce your carbon footprint.

UNDERSTAND - learn how much carbon your travel generates
TRACK - compare your impact over time
REDUCE - take action to cut your carbon impact.

VYVE. Reduce your carbon footprint.
VYVE helps you stand tall and take action on carbon.

Illai Gescheit
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Discovered Intend2 while reading Tina Seelig article on Medium, and her approach how not to get stuck. Tina is a Professor at Stanford for entrepreneurship and innovation. She is the author of the books, What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, inGenius, Creativity Rules.
Link to article:

Submit your intentions and don't get stuck

This new site, Intend-2, allows you to publicly/anonymously set your intentions. You can set intentions every day if you like. It is a great way to get started orienting towards what you want to achieve, helping you get unstuck.

Submit your intentions and don't get stuck

Illai Gescheit
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Hello Product lovers!
I'm launching a new online course and workshop that helps startup founders and product managers to build better products and features. I have been working with startups for a long time both independently and in organizations such as Singularity University and WeWork Labs.
One of the most challenging tasks of early stage startups is to keep in mind both the strategic...

ZIZO Product Ideation Online Course
Online workshop to guide startups how to build their MVPs

This online course and workshop guides startup founders, designers and product managers to build products and features from scratch using a method called ZIZO (Zoom In Zoom Out). The method has 3 design layers from strategic layer to the detailed layer.

ZIZO Product Ideation Online Course
Online workshop to guide startups how to build their MVPs

Entrepreneurial Negotiation
Relationships that Determine Your Entrepreneurial Success