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Nick Horsthuis
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I got as far as entering my billing details and backed out because I have no idea on how much I would use/try the service and what kind of bill I would get. Why not give some typical task examples and costs involved? At the very least you should offer a free task or two for the user to understand its limitations before they incur any unnecessary costs. Get them hooked, then bill them.

A new kind of assistant that runs in the cloud

Nick Horsthuis
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I've been pushing myself to regain my fitness using the indoor rowing machine and would be very keen to try this out to see if it has any discernable performance improvements (UK based). Also would be eager to find out if this passes current WADA doping laws, particularly in the context of competing in the British indoor rowing championships next month.
HVMN Ketone
The world's first and only ketone ester

Nick Horsthuis
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I like the email tracking features in the product but I was wondering if it would be feasible to embed this feature of Streak into other mobile mail applications like Spark or Gmail for mobile? I highly suspect not. Maybe a workaround is a way to copy the blank tracking image each time to embed into a new email composed on mobile? Is each image unique or could it be embedded into a signature by...

Streak for Mobile
The CRM for Gmail

Nick Horsthuis
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This looks awesome! How does it handle sports photography? I shoot high speed motorsport events so would be great to know how it can handle this.

Intelligent camera assistant for DSLR and Mirrorless cameras

Nick Horsthuis
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Soon you could be hearing you read it back to yourself. Would be cool if you could highlight sections to review in the text or listen to later.

Medium Audio Stories
Listen to your favorite Medium stories

Nick Horsthuis
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Looks pretty cool. How does this compare to Notion?

Organize & share knowledge with your team

Nick Horsthuis
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1. It needs an option to disable images loading automatically.
2. Signatures are automatically synced/selected/used from the desktop settings for the address being used (I use multiple from the same inbox) to reply not just one non-formatted option or none at all.
3. Emails are cached on the device when they are pushed and do not need a live internet connection when opening the app. (Same with...

Gmail 5.0
A facelift for Gmail on iOS

Nick Horsthuis
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I'm pretty disappointed that there is no way to disable images loading automatically.
I also feel let down because by default it doesn't automatically add a signature from the email account you are using and you can only use one signature per account which is pointless if you use multiple alias addresses.
The last Gmail version allowed you to do all of the above. Please could we see this...

Gmail 5.0
A facelift for Gmail on iOS

Save Internet Content Easily

Nick Horsthuis
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This looks like a great tool that every inbox should have. Would be interested to know what else you have planned for the service or future costs?

If No Reply
Ridiculously simple email automation that works from Gmail

If No Reply
Ridiculously simple email automation that works from Gmail

Nick Horsthuis
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Hi Aakash! Seriously awesome tool you have made here.
Are you planning to allow a greater search than just 200 results? I have over 1000+ favourites and would like to export this list into Spotify.
I personally would love to have an index of my entire list of Hype Machine favourites or even a monitoring tool that adds new likes to the playlist in Spotify. I would happily pay a subscription to...
Hype Machine to Spotify
Move your Hype Machine favorites to Spotify

Hype Machine to Spotify
Move your Hype Machine favorites to Spotify

Nick Horsthuis
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Great job! This is a goldmine of information. @rrhoover are there plans to capture where products are built/originate? It would be great to see a global PH map using this kind of data.

Product Hunt Analytics
Daily, monthly, and yearly analytics with Product Hunt data

Nick Horsthuis
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Hey @igrumov! Love your product but how likely do you think it is that IG will shut Grum down?

Post on Instagram from your computer