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Amazing product Said, congrats 🎉

Launch and get feedback on both the idea and product

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Great job guys!, a way to go ✨ good luck today 🚀
Turn your speech into well-written text

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Congrats on launch guys, wishing you the 1st spot today 🔥🙏

M1-project: Marketing Strategy Generator
Craft your startup's winning marketing strategy with AI

UIChallenges: Master UI design with over 400 unique prompts. Choose your difficulty, enjoy guided or self-made challenges, and track progress. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned designers looking to refine their craft in a practical, engaging way.

UI Challenges
Learn UI Design By Doing - Free, All Year Round

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This is a really cool product, would fit great into the future AGI improvements, for the AI to check the completions

Track habits by photo checkins to friends for accountability

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Lol i need this today for the product hunt launch 😆

Get infinite leads from your LinkedIn connections

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This is dope, going to check it out right now 🤌
Assembly by MindPal
Automate big tasks with a multi agent AI assembly

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This is crazy good branding, syncing the marketing slogan of punching and brand colors that punch, 🤌 great job 👏
Punch Time Tracker
Make every minute pack a punch with Airtable