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Herbert Poul
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Looks pretty nice actually. Although I'm not sure why it has to be a chrome extension. I'm always reluctant to install any extensions.. Although I'm a coder, and not a recruiter, so what do I know :) btw. why not also provide a way for engineers to showcase their profile? I assume if you do it cool they might share it to recruiters themselves.. ;) I always like service like or...

Source the best engineers, without understanding code.

Keep track of your accounts and auto generate passwords. AuthPass is compatible with KeePass (kdbx) files and supports WebDAV, Google Drive and One Drive.
It is based on Flutter and currently supports Android, iOS and MacOS. Windows/Linux coming soon(ish).

Simple, open source, cross platform password manager 😅️

Herbert Poul
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Hello 👋️,
I have been using Keepass compatible password managers for a while, but started to develop AuthPass to have a single app I could use on mobile as well as on desktop, which looks decent and works reasonably fast.
It already supports most kdbx functionality, generating passwords, sharing files via Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive or WebDAV (For NextCloud, etc.), TOTP (ie. one time...

Simple, open source, cross platform password manager 😅️

Herbert Poul
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Basically a better UI for "command + shift + /" i guess?

Enable command palette (⇧⌘P) in any application on macOS

Herbert Poul
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Look really nice.. after some initial confusion I found my way around the backend UI pretty good. What I'm a bit missing is some form of documentation how to integrate it into a website or app to enrich user data. I have seen it's possible to configure the user fields, and the messenger widget mentions something about a "data" property with "email" but not much more..
erxes Growth Hacking
Open Source growth hacking software

Herbert Poul
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Maybe I"m missing something, but this does not really look like a WYSIWYG editor, but rather a editor with live preview? 🤷♂️️

Markdown Editor
Clean, modern & open-source WYSIWYG markdown editor

Herbert Poul
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I'm working on an(other) open source password manager. Just launched the website at - Available for Android, iOS and MacOS, based on Flutter and compatible with Keepass (kdbx 2.x) file format. It already integrates with Goolge Drive and Dropbox. Still lacks a bit of native integration (Form Fill, Auto-Type, etc.) but e.g. Biometric (Fingerprint) unlock already works....
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Sort companies based on their current market cap and see if your estimation of company evaluations match the stock market. Fun way to compare company sizes of different industries.

MarketCap Game by Anlage.App
Compare company evaluations and discover new investments 📈️

Herbert Poul
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when starting to look at the stock market (like myself) it's hard to get a feeling for the sheer size of market valuations of some public companies. This is why I've created MarketCap Game which shows how different companies in different sectors compare with each other. In the first version players are presented with four publicly traded companies of various sizes and have to sort them...

MarketCap Game by Anlage.App
Compare company evaluations and discover new investments 📈️

Herbert Poul
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How about importing into the travel history. Like from a GPX track or google history? :-) Was a bit too lazy lately to enter everything.
Nomad List 5.0
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Herbert Poul
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Am I the only one who is annoyed by this dropshipping hype of sticking some fancy stock photography on a shopify page and just promoting the shit out of it..
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