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California teen, Bennett Kedrosky, speaks with Emily Chang about his Cal Fire Bot that tweets wildfire updates and locations in real time to keep California residents safe.

Cal Fire Bot
This bot Tweets CA fires in real time, based on CHP reports.

Duane Wilson✌️
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This caught my eye on twitter yesterday and jumped out as a great CivicTech product - there is data everywhere, but using it - putting it together in a meaningful way, making the abstract actionable, is unique. Congrats!

Cal Fire Bot
This bot Tweets CA fires in real time, based on CHP reports.

Duane Wilson✌️
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Wow!! 😍 You just replaced Google Forms and Typeform!!!

The simplest way to create forms for free

Duane Wilson✌️
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The 2020 Cycle is complete and my little side project did ok!
We defeated Trump, Made Mitch Minority Leader, and Held the House. Take a look if you're interested & see what happened - Our year in review scorecard is up at 👉

Adopt a Democrat
Find and adopt your next favorite candidate & save democracy

Duane Wilson✌️
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Running teams is hard. Remote teams is hard. Side projects even harder. Unpaid side project even harder still... Not knowing roles I would say to Include them in conversations with the other cofounder who is contributing and make them feel engaged. Ask specific questions that relate to their piece (if design, do you think this cta I mocked up works? What would you do differently? I think it...
How do you motivate co-founders to commit with you on an idea?
Makoae Wilson
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Duane Wilson✌️
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This is such a great idea. Would love to learn more about the charity selection process and how I can add my favorite orgs to the list!
Social media that makes things better.

Built to empower people & brands to take action, add perspective, & start a movement with anyone. Our tech uses AI for micro-donation from Instagram, Twitter, News etc. without ever leaving your screen. All donations 3x today, plus win $1000! See image 6.
Social media that makes things better.

Duane Wilson✌️
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Awesome! Just enabled Climate on our account @DeltaHandPies. We already donate to charities relating to food insecurity, but seeing as we're a food delivery business this is a win/win for us. We can drive our cars, delivery pies to the people, and help offset the climate impact of our business through innovative ways to reduce carbon in the atmosphere ... automagically :D
Stripe Climate
Remove carbon as you grow your business

Duane Wilson✌️
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Congrats! Very cool idea, and needed!
Pledge My Check
Crushing COVID with stimulus checks & social shares

Need a fresh face to brighten up your video conference meetings? Want a fun experience for an online Happy Hour? Looking for a virtual tour? The Sweet Farm Animal Ambassadors are here for you.
Goat 2 Meeting
Invite a real goat (or llama) to your next video call

Duane Wilson✌️
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Make your zoom more awesome, chat with the real GOAT (or llama, or sheep), and help save a farm...
Goat 2 Meeting
Invite a real goat (or llama) to your next video call

Duane Wilson✌️
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I made this product to see if I could use modern startup processes and tools to help candidates win elections by engaging individual donors to "Adopt" a candidate in another district. So far it's working well, in the last few months we've raised over $100,000 for some large, but mostly 'small' grassroots Democrats and Progressives and raised awareness about a bunch of causes we love.

Adopt a Democrat
Find and adopt your next favorite candidate & save democracy

Duane Wilson✌️
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Just signed up to try it out and make some links. Would be a good improvement to better list what the different fields are going to be used for so you can see if your title it too long or what I thought was an internal filed ended up being shown to the user and since there was no way to edit I simple had to make a whole new link. When making additional links it leaves the generated code the...

Recurring & single payment links, powered by Stripe.

Exposing Mitch McConnell’s actions that leave our elections vulnerable to Russian meddling. Use this extension to replace every mention of his name with his nickname "Moscow Mitch."

Moscow Mitch
Chrome extension changes Mitch McConnell to Moscow Mitch

Duane Wilson✌️
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Traveling on the Interstate in VA late at night, needed gas badly so pulled off at next exit to go to a station.. naturally the credit card reader was offline, and I had no cash.
Couldn't find another gas station around when we saw a policeman talking to a woman outside of a closed store - pulled up and asked if they knew where another station was but there wasn't one close by.
The woman...
What is the kindest thing a stranger has done for you?
Ravi Gupta
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Have your best fantasy football draft! Download Fanalyze now to access the Draft Cheat Sheet to get draft player rankings from top fantasy football websites while managing your draft like a pro.
Draft Cheat Sheet
Fantasy Football Draft Cheat Sheet

Duane Wilson✌️
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Love being able to take what I learn/do from building commercial products and turning around and helping improve and build modern processes for nonprofits & government services, at Internet scale.

Pro Bono Tech
Bringing digital professionals together with nonprofits

Bringing together teams of digital professionals to address complex challenges for nonprofits; Bridging the digital divide between the tech and social sectors; Helping nonprofits more efficiently achieve their missions and create impact for their communities.

Pro Bono Tech
Bringing digital professionals together with nonprofits