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Houssein Djirdeh
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Hi PH 👋🏾
As part of my work as a Developer Advocate on the Google web team, I've been researching how sites that use popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries perform in the wild. All this data is publicly available but can be hard to obtain without knowing how the underlying technologies work. So I built Perf Track to make it easier for framework authors and developers to see this...

Perf Track
Analyze performance of sites that use JavaScript frameworks

Perf Track is a powerful dashboard that tracks and measures the usage and performance of sites that use popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries. All data is obtained from HTTP Archive and Chrome User Experience Report.

Perf Track
Analyze performance of sites that use JavaScript frameworks

Houssein Djirdeh
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This looks amazing, congratulations on an amazing launch!
How to Product
How to break into product management is the ultimate resource for developers of all backgrounds to learn, create, and solve on the web. It's meant to not only educate developers, but help them apply what they've learned to any site they work on, be it personal or business. by Google
Learn how to build for the web and see where you stand 🌟

Houssein Djirdeh
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Hi PH 👋🏾
So many Hacker News clients have been built with different tools [1] and I thought it would be interesting to see how a compile target like GopherJS would work in order to be able to build one with Golang.
It uses React bindings [2] too!

Go Hacker News
A Hacker News client written in Golang

A HN client written in Golang that uses React bindings and compiled with GopherJS

Go Hacker News
A Hacker News client written in Golang

With so many third-party tools that can be used to improve the performance of your web page, it can be hard to keep track of all of them.
This app curates a list of them!

Progressive Tooling
Curated list of tools to improve web page performance

Houssein Djirdeh
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Hi PH 👋🏾
I built this app to help keep track of the many types of tools that can be used to improve the speed, performance and reliability of web pages. Current types of tools curated include:
• Accessibility
• Performance auditing
• Bundle analysis
• Bundle budgeting
• Lazy loading
• Image optimization
• Service worker
• Flash of unstyled/invisible text
• Server-side...

Progressive Tooling
Curated list of tools to improve web page performance

Houssein Djirdeh
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Hi PH community,
Devin, Anthony and I have spent the last few months writing this detailed resource to learning React Native. Even if you've never worked with React before, we've written this so that developers who are only familiar with JavaScript will be able to pick up fundamentals of the framework while learning the inner-workings of React Native itself.
The first six chapters are...

Fullstack React Native
The up-to-date, in-depth, and complete guide to React Native

Fullstack React Native is a project-based guide to learning React Native. Every chapter in the book comes with a complete project that uses the concepts in the chapter and provides support for both iOS (including iPhone X screens) & Android.

Fullstack React Native
The up-to-date, in-depth, and complete guide to React Native

Houssein Djirdeh
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This is awesome, I love the simplicity 🎉
Curious, is there a specific API you're using for this or did you roll out your own?

Repo Hunt
Trending repositories on GitHub today

Houssein Djirdeh
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Hi PH community,
Two weeks ago I launched GitPoint for iOS and the response has been amazing. There are already 3000 users and over 20 contributors working to make GitPoint the most fluid, feature-rich open source GitHub client for mobile.
I built GitPoint with React Native and it's been amazing to see how the framework allows you to build fully functional native applications with pure React...

GitPoint for Android
An open source, beautiful GitHub client for Android

GitPoint for Android
An open source, beautiful GitHub client for Android

Houssein Djirdeh
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Thank you so much for hunting this @nayafia :)
Hi PH!
Every single GitHub client I tried to use on iOS was either too simple (single-feature), required payment for the most basic of features and/or didn't have the best UI.
I've spent a significant amount of time making this a fully fledged GitHub client that would allow you to do everything you need to do. View repository and user...

GitHub in your pocket

GitHub in your pocket

GitHub in your pocket

GitHub in your pocket

Houssein Djirdeh
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I have been waiting for this since Screenhero was acquired two years ago, glad to hear it's finally launching and looking forward to using it!

Screen Sharing in Slack
A simple way to share your ideas and your screen

Houssein Djirdeh
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Based on the demos, one of the most incredible products I've seen here in a while. Can't wait to beta test this when the API is open to early testers.

Copy the voice of anyone, using a voice imitation algorithm