All activity

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Congrats on the launch!

Dribbble for Android
Discover and follow the world's best designers

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Another CineTrak update is live! New Filters! Updated History/Collection UI Design and more Curated Lists!

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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We just released a large update that adds "Custom Lists". Let us know what you think :)

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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We are very excited to reveal that CineTrak will be exiting Beta and be going live on the Play Store starting end of next week!
The exact date and time will be revealed very soon.
We are here and we've done it thanks to you, our users! It has been a long journey of feedback collection and improvement.
We received thousands of requests and we did our best on implementing the most requested...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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I've been using this app for over 3 years now. It is my favorite media controlling tool. The keyboard and mouse emulating tools are also priceless.

Unified Remote
Turn your smartphone into a universal remote control

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Hello everyone, we just released a new CineTrak update.
Thank you for all your continuous feedback and support.
Change Log
Premium Content Updates:
-> 4 Actors added to the Staff Picks
New Curated lists:
-> Anime movies
-> Samurai movies
-> RT top 100 movies
We also performed many updates to already existing lists.
-> New tutorial to...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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Congrats on the achievement Alex! Are there any plans to release this on the iPad?

Swiipe News
A different take on viewing the headlines by a 14-year-old 📰

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A new CineTrak update is out!
- Check in bug fixed
- Sort by Release Date bug fixed
- Tapping on IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic icons will now redirect users to the respective website
- My Shows: now defaults to sorting by Progress to easily allow users to manage their shows
- Fixed bug with some movie and show posters
- Spanish Translation added to TV Shows section
- Notifications...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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We have another large update for our community!
In addition to movies, CineTrak now supports TV Shows!
# TV Shows has been updated with more features allowing users to now easily track their progress.
We still have some work to do but we want to give our users direct access to what we are working on.
# We have prepared tons of new content for our Premium Users to enjoy.
We added 3 huge...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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Awesome job. We need more :)
6 Minute intro to AI
A good looking introduction to everything AI 🤖

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CineTrak has crossed the 50K downloads mark!
This is another major milestone CineTrak has achieved thanks to you, our awesome users!
To celebrate this event, we will be giving away 6 promocodes in the next 6 days starting today.
The promocodes will be divided equally between all our social media channels (FB, G+, and Twitter). Make sure you follow all 3 in order to maximize the chance of...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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Great news everyone!
First of all, we would like to thank each and everyone for your support and upvotes on Product Hunt. It means a lot to us.
We just released another CineTrak update which is available on the Play Store.
The changelog is as follows:
- We added 2 new shortcuts to help you manage your "Watched List":
1) You can now mark movies as watched by tapping and holding any movie on...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

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We would like to thank our community for the enormous feedback we have received. Over the past couple of weeks, we have introduced significant changes which are listed below:
- Lots of UI improvements to make the Google Material Design experience much solid
- German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Czech Language Support
- Landscape support
- Created a simple Knowledge Base site to help...

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows

CineTrak lets you find the best movies and TV Shows, build your watchlist, and check reviews and ratings from multiple sources such as Trakt, IMDB, Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes.
CineTrak is built on Google Material Design and offers a gamified environment for making movie and TV watching fun and rewarding.

Discover, manage, and track the best Movies and TV shows