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  • Hassani Masudi

    Hassani Masudi

    Co-founder, techie and avid sci-fi nerd
    6 points
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    Hassani Masudi
    Hassani Masudi
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    tools like github co-pilot has shortened the time it takes to develop new features from my app. and fix bugs.
    In what ways have AI or AI-related products already changed your work or life?
    Hassani Masudi
    Hassani Masudi
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    How did you select your infrastructure for your first launch?

    Basically I am stuck between two choices, A quick and launch with a VPS with good storage running manual back ups (VPS provider is really reliable and has minimal down time). Upsides : cheaper and easy to launch, downsides: need to rework if solution grows. Or I go for a more expensive yet future proof set-up
    Hassani Masudi
    Hassani Masudi
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    dedicated workspaces for me. much quieter than a coffee shop and less distractions
    Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
    From coffee shops to couches, where do you find your best work happens?
    Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
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    Hassani Masudi
    Hassani Masudi
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    Good Luck
    I humbly ask for support 🚀launching soon.
    Slim Geransar
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    Hassani Masudi
    Hassani Masudi
    started a discussion

    Need some advice on my app.

    Hello everyone, I am bootstrapping a scheduling app for small service orientated teams. Please have a look here and give me your opinion: main app: https://app.bzeeb.net/ landing page: https://bzeeb.net/ you can use the following email address and password to login : email: yakek90688@talmetry.com password: redalert3 I have also looked at some advertising avenues for the app. Any founders...