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Harsh Gupta
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If anybody wants to list their black Friday deal on my site. happy to do it. please fill this - and this is our blog -
⚡⚡Let's share Black Friday marketing tips & list our offers here?!🤑⚡
Ivanna Wendel
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Anybody can be a data scientists now with our simple one click machine learning tool. No coding or data science background required. Ingest the dataset and tell app what to predict. Intensive focus on data cleaning, so you dont have to clean data.

No-code AI predictions at one-click

Harsh Gupta
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Hey PH Community!
With data-backed decisions becoming so ubiquitous, more and more people want to be using data to make decisions, recommendations and strategies.
But problem?
Not everybody has time to do data science certifications/masters or learn python/r coding. Besides, even if we do, how are we going to find time to do clean data, build models etc from our busy schedules?
That is...

No-code AI predictions at one-click

Harsh Gupta
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If you had to start all over again in your startup, what is 1 thing you would do?
Our product is an automated machine learning product. If I had to redo one thing, I would have focussed on web application part from day 1. Instead we focussed on getting data science part right first.

Harsh Gupta
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I hire guys and then they leave quick. It a hassle again to hire new people and train them or wait for them to get accustomed to our code and work.
What are some of the product problems you face in your everyday life?
Pratik Hemani
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Harsh Gupta
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uses BI tools like tableau, powerbi. Wants to do Analytics but doesnt have the capabilities.
Describe your ideal customer persona and I'll guess your product!
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Harsh Gupta
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As an entrpreneur, i find my work to be vacation. so i am working and vacation at the same time (yes, i am a workaholic)
What are the pros/cons of working while vacationing?
Siddhesh Lokare
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Harsh Gupta
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been working on automl product for last 11 months, trying to get the perfect product out. Its going to launch in 1 week, but i could have been faster 3-4 months alteast by accepting little imperfection.
Show & Tell: Share with others what are you working on and one lesson you learned from it. GO 👊
Sharath Kuruganty
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Think of protonAutoML as your Revenue Booster, Cost Optimizer, all done using Machine Learning. Our breakthrough invention of Automated Machine Learning (world' first true automl product) empowers users to make business decisions at just one click.
Boost Revenue, Optimize Costs, all done using autoML