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Chat to the Future
A new podcast about the people of WeWork

The Paper Donkey Podcast - New York Times bestselling author Rebecca Traister
Discussing the process behind All The Single Ladies

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I'm currently in the middle of the book now!

The 10% Entrepreneur
10% of your time and resources can make you an entrepreneur

A Fire Upon The Deep
Time and its relationship to civilization on galactic scales

Immortal Lycanthropes
Each animal has one immortal lycanthrope. When it's gone...

Between Two Fires
Medieval times meets the end of days.

The Rook
Picture James Bond - plus otherworldly powers.

The Flight of the Silvers
A world of time travel and disruption.

The third in the Advent Trilogy by James Treadwell.

Newt's Emerald
A fantastic and fun YA novel - think Jonathan Strange!

The Floating Opera
Novel by John Barth

The Hanging Tree
Life, relationships, tragedy and paleontology

The Devil's Punchbowl
A great thriller, part of a series.

Istanbul: Memories and the City
A wonderful way to get acquainted with a Nobel prize winner.

Dead Simple
Gripping and impossible-to-put-down introduction to a series

The Death of a Law Firm
Reflection on the future of big law firms & global issues.

Amsterdam: A History of the World's Most Liberal City
Gives you insight into the unique evolution of Amsterdam.

A Clockwork Orange
The classic 1963 dystopian book.

Islamic Branding and Marketing
All about the power of diversity and building bridges.

The Kind Diet
Inspiration to live a kind & healthy life.