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Hakeem Javaid
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A few weeks ago, a friend went through an extremely difficult and overwhelming experience. They had considered calling for support, but decided against it out of worry of being a burden. Instead, they sat for hours crying alone, struggling to process the emotions running through them. I would have loved to be there for them.
I've experienced my fair share of hardship, and I've been there for...

Help Me Calm Down™
The 3-Step Calming Experience

Whether it be overwhelming stress or a paralysing anxiety attack, this 3-step flow gently guides users through highly effective techniques, empowered with immersive visuals and audio, to calm the mind & body in moments of intense emotion.

Help Me Calm Down™
The 3-Step Calming Experience

Readers love newsletter content, but they hate emails. With our patent-pending technology, newsletter publishers can now let new subscribers download a branded app which converts their newsletters into newspushes. No more lost emails.

Convert Your Newsletter Into An App

Hakeem Javaid
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About a year ago I was sent a link to a tech newsletter, summarising the latest tech news daily. I loved the concept, and proceeded to their website to download their app.
However, I was genuinely surprised to find that they didn't offer an app, they only had a newsletter! I am not a fan of emails at all, and I couldn't get my head around why a newsletter publisher with over 500K subscribers...

Convert Your Newsletter Into An App

Hakeem Javaid
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I have been using this 'Priority List' concept and the algorithms behind it for 10+ years. I made this app so others who also have what seems like millions of tasks can also manage them efficiently in a stress-free way.
Priority List combines the power of Eisenhower & Priority Matrix principles into beautifully simple task lists, automatically ordered in terms of priority based on scores...

Priority List
Eisenhower principles finally applied to to-do lists.

Priority List combines the power of Eisenhower & Priority Matrix principles into beautifully simple task lists, automatically ordered in terms of priority based on scores added to each task.

Priority List
Eisenhower principles finally applied to to-do lists.

Hakeem Javaid
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I visited a friend's wedding over summer, and around the venue were QR codes that loaded a Google Photos album. I thought it was quite a clever idea - everyone was asked to join the album and upload our photos to it after the event - but when I say everyone, that's everyone who used Google Photos or had the patience to download it :) The result was amazing regardless, the album was full of...

Disposable Camera App for Parties, Weddings, Social Events

A disposable camera app without the waste, designed for parties & weddings, with all guests cameras connected to one album. Scan a QR code, camera app loads (no download required), take up to 10 photos (limit adjustable), all photos captured in one album.

Disposable Camera App for Parties, Weddings, Social Events

Hakeem Javaid
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I designed & developed the entire platform in 6 months and launched it with great feedback & love from vapers and e-liquid manufacturers (it's a two-sided marketplace, like an Amazon/eBay for Vaping). Thought my fellow makers, designers and developers might like to check it out; the UX and UI designs are quite unique due to target market UX, and the AngularJS powered UI has proven to be...

The Amazon of Vaping

The fast growing vape industry offers no easy way for vapers to discover e-liquids or guide smokers to quit via vaping. We built the most elegant & intuitive platform for vapers to find new, safe e-liquids, with the world's simplest switch-to-vaping guide.

The Amazon of Vaping

Hakeem Javaid
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Hey all,
Quick overview of Omnate: With help from 5 independent charity-research organisations, we've drastically simplified supporting the world-in-need by linking 8 of the biggest global causes to the best charity fighting for each on a global scale, allowing you to simply tick the causes you care about, enter a monthly budget to be split between them, and just fill in one donation form for...

A powerfully simple charity-donations platform.

A powerfully simple charity-donations platform.

Hakeem Javaid
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Heyya, Founder of here. It's simply a minimalist-designed, fully customizable homepage, with a pretty cool 'live' background - add any and all search engines into one search bar, add the websites you use everyday to the top, and enjoy 'Searfing'! :)

A beautifully simple, fully customizable homepage.

A beautifully simple, fully customizable homepage.

Collaborative music player

Hakeem Javaid
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We've only just launched, and are seeing some pretty awesome stiqqers being stuq around the globe - if anyone has any questions/ideas/feedback on the product, leave a comment! And if you want to try it out, sign up on the website, and you'll receive an invite soon :)
Location-based messaging
Location-based messaging

Hakeem Javaid
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I can't stand pages of plain text or hour long videos, so I designed & built a super simple yet highly informative interactive guide to startups - it's open to contributions & feedback from the community to help it become the ultimate guide to startups, so let me know what you think!
The world's simplest interactive guide to startups
The world's simplest interactive guide to startups