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Ayomi, your Ship page looks great! Congrats on your upcoming launch!
Just launched my Ship page for Canopy - check it out and sign up if you're a content creator!
Ayomi Samaraweera
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This is great info! Thanks for sharing!
6 ways to improve your landing page
Sveta Bay
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My cast iron pan 😎
What’s the best thing you own for less than $100?
Nikhil Mehra
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Eric, I believe I am almost exactly the same.
I'm creative and great at coming up with ideas, and developing them.
I'm not great at marketing...I think I do well with explaining the WHY for my products, but I struggle to get the word out.
I have been working the past couple months on engaging more.
What is your best skill, and your weakest?
Eric Beans
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This sounds like a great tip. Thanks for sharing!
I got viral on TikTok 🙀 Check this out
Alara Akcasiz
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Probably sleep...I often could use more sleep, and when I get it I'm more productive
If you had an extra hour a day to be allocated to one specific purpose, how would you use it
Kabir Haynes
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Interesting topic! I clicked to follow along here as I am no expert on this, haha.
I broadened my skillset in my 20s, and that seems like it will make for a good longterm play...I hope! haha
I could see nicheing down being a great move though...I'm not sure what would be better!
Broaden your skillset or niche down in your 20s?
Naren Bhandary
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Launched on Tuesday!! Been building up my social media as well :)
One day until Friday! What have you accomplished this week?
Alessandra Mikail
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I only just launched earlier this week, but I definitely plan to continue taking part in discussions on Product Hunt. I think the community of builders here is amazing! I believe there are so many resources here to continue to tap into well after your product launch.
Product Hunt launch. What's next?
Dmytro Kovalenko
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Luis, that sounds cool!
The WHY behind our website building/hosting service:
- 1-page websites that people use to display all of their links around the web are often built on services like Linktree, but those require Users to append their name/brand to the end of the Linktree (or others') URL.
-- We believe there's no better way to show your followers that YOU are a brand...
What is the WHY behind your product? Tell me the story/reason that you have to build your product
Luis Gustavo
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Yep! One thing I've been doing is prompting it to suggest different ways to phrase statements on my website, or things I want to post on social media. Getting more concise statements, or better wording across.
Also been using AI art generators to generate different images to use as backgrounds for my website building/hosting service for Users to choose from.
AI is a gamechanger!🤝
Have you integrated AI into your work yet?
Terry Xu
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Probably social media engagement. It's just a lot of work, haha
What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing, that you need help with?
Benedikt Böringer
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omg, yes, I came here to say what everyone else is saying, haha!
And handfuls of AI Art generators...DALL·E, Midjourney, NightCafe...
What's your new favorite app?
Arshad Qureshi
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🏆 - Launched a product today!!
🎯 - Connect with more builders on Product Hunt 😄🤝
Let's share 1 achievement, 1 goal 🚀`
Elif Duran
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Playing guitar. Playing music is such an incredible outlet in those times
Do you have something special that picks you up when you feel down?
Sunil Ayar
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Lack of empathy.
And mosquitos...maybe
If you could remove something that exists in this world forever, what would it be?
Ghost Kitty
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I haven't used any so looking forward to checking these out and seeing how the community votes!
What's your favorite transcription editing tool?
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Your experience sounds awesome!!
I'm about 10 days in, and I'm loving it and hope to have many similar experiences.
What I'm loving most so far is having found a community of builders!! The feedback and discussions here are amazing. I've already learned a lot!! And found some cool products!!
What Producthunt means to you?
Arshad Qureshi
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Biggest reason for me was to be able to have more time to myself...being able to make my own schedule.
I try to start and run projects that I can run completely by myself (or outsource smaller tasks with little management on my end.
Calling all CEOs! What motivated you to start your own company?
Lené Jones
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