Graham Billington

Graham Billington

Student dev & entrepreneur
18 points
All activity
Graham Billington
OneLine is a reading aid for the web that increases your focus and reading efficiency by highlighting a single row of words. Users have control over the color of the line and can move it through the page with the arrow keys as they read.
OneLine V2
OneLine V2
Focus on the words that matter with OneLine
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
Congrats on the launch!
Entre 2.0
Entre 2.0
The new professional network
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
This is sweet!
Install and run Javascript/Node.js projects in a GUI
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
Discord is so much better, its not even a question.
Discord Vs Slack? What would you use for a community of makers?
+1 comment
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
Wow, this is remarkable!
Unite 4 for macOS
Unite 4 for macOS
Turn any website into an app on your Mac in seconds.
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
either one works. Its preference in my opinion
Maor Ofek
In your opinion, what's the right approach to choose a domain name for a personal blog?
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
This is great - definitely will be using it!
Vzy Icons
Customise 1000+ SVG icons in one click
Graham Billington
Graham Billington
left a comment
This is amazing!
Lax.js 2.0
JS library to create animations from user interactions