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Our goal is to bring bring peoples sports life into the one place. This goes for clubs and sports organisations, along with everyday sports people. Simplify your life and build it how you want to.

Your sports life. One place.

Martin Meany
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Great idea and badly needed. However, I do now have two more .exe files clogging up my downloads folder because it's not clear this is Windows-only :).

Disk Space Fan
Fast disk space analyzer with smart visualizations

Martin Meany
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Is this more secure than AccessURL? I think that worked on Cookies.

Share your account without giving out your password

Ryanair Cancellation Checker
Check If Your Flight Was Cancelled

Trump Tweets
Trump is blocking people, so we're publishing his Tweets

The Green Whale Game
Lets celebrate the powerful side of being social online

Martin Meany
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Note on the onboarding - you build the excitement fantastically, love how everything looks and hope the service performs as well. One criticism would be that the onboarding, while great, is a massive disappointment. The copy all the way through suggests access is just a moment away, then you're greeted with a wait and teams are prioritised. Just not ideal.
Craft stunning Instagram stories, share them everywhere đ

Martin Meany
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We're looking to progress this as we go, but right now it should be calling out the headlines from

Goos3D Flash News Briefing
Goos3D: Irish Tech News Alexa Flash News Briefing

Goos3D Flash News Briefing
Goos3D: Irish Tech News Alexa Flash News Briefing

Martin Meany
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The amound of ads on the landing page made me close the window
Celebrity Look Alike?
Transformation GIF of your famous doppelgänger

Martin Meany
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Feel like I'm against the idea. Don't get me wrong, it's landed well - but we shouldn't turn a blind eye to the tragedy in life. It's turning into a trademark of the social media generation. Some parts of life are ugly. They make you appreciate what you have and compel you to make change elsewhere.

Block sad/depressing news from your social feeds

Martin Meany
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Great idea guys. For the love of all that's good an holy though, can you mute the song for landing traffic

Find mutually interested workout partners nearby

Martin Meany
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Really nice site and concept, but it appears to be broken for me? Also, is there an option to embed this mechanic on a site?

One Click Battle
Simple awesome beautiful real-time polling system

Martin Meany
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I totally get why this is interesting, but without a full understanding of what is admittidly a serious leak, this is just going to scare people

Does it use Cloudflare?
Tool to check if site uses CloudFlare

Martin Meany
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The Irish rental market is currently in crisis. DwellDown offers transparency within a market where choice is extremely limited.

Rate. Review. Compare your Rental

Rate. Review. Compare your Rental

Dublin Tech Summit app
Essential app for Summit attendees

Martin Meany
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Ireland is actually Europe's highest user of AdBlocking software. Page Fair lets you see just how hard these are hitting your online business

Page Fair
Detect the damage AdBlockers are doing to your business

Page Fair
Detect the damage AdBlockers are doing to your business