Glendon Grapperhaus

Glendon Grapperhaus

Frontend Web Developer, YellowDog LLC.
3 points
2016 Election Game
Startup Madness - 015: Tom Crawshaw
Reply All - 44: Shine On You Crazy Goldman
The Adventure Zone - The Great Switcheroo of 2015
Startup Madness - 003: Greg Sausaman
Vicarious - 01: Encrypted Grandmothers
Surprisingly Awesome - 1: Mold
Immutable - 10: Nice dinners
Mortified - Steve: Gringo of the Year
This American Life - The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
Lore - The Beast Within
Does Not Compute - Episode 1: There's Always Paypal
Radiolab - Smile my ass
Developer Tea — Feature runways
Immutable Podcast
iBlue Smart Gate