Giancarlo Sanchez

Giancarlo Sanchez

Founder of
157 points


Hi there 👋, my name is Giancarlo and I'm a software engineer from Venezuela and founder of, a no-code decentralized website builder. I'm passionate about bringing the benefits of Web 3.0 to the masses. Before Webstudio, I worked as a manager and engineer at Amazon, where I gained valuable experience in tech and leadership and had the privilege of working with outstanding folks. Prior to that, I was a founding engineer at Glofox, a fitness software company in Ireland. I'm excited to be a part of the Web3 space and to contribute to building a more decentralized and democratized Internet where people have more control over their data, finances, and ultimately their lives. Thus, avoiding tragedies like the hyperinflation in Venezuela that destroy the life savings of millions.


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Good find 🧐
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Bright Idea 💡
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Maker History

    Build websites 3.0 without code!
    May 2023
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    Joined Product HuntNovember 9th, 2022