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Gayatri - MHX
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always wanted a space to line up my meetings. will def try this one out! congrats on the launch!!! @imaghos

Coworking software that helps brands manage their space.

Gayatri - MHX
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Hey, @nocodemvp congrats on the launch of your new product!!!

Smart Copy Everywhere
Wherever you type, Smart Copy by Unbounce writes

Gayatri - MHX
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Hahahaha, something never I'd thought I will do in the future.
Starting my master's. This summer'22 :))
Over the moooonn.......
What have you planned for the summer of '22? My plans in the comments ☀️
Pritam Nanda
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Gayatri - MHX
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great product!!! congrats on the launch!!! @maxleiter

An open-source Gist and pastebin alternative

Gayatri - MHX
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@nicolo_magnanini great product, useful for a masters student juggling in between files! Congrats!!!
Go straight to the answer when searching across your files

Gayatri - MHX
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Hey, @jenny_eversole . This is an amazing way to improvise on style, congrats on the launch;)
Style Space
1-on-1 expert personal styling & coaching, done virtually

Gayatri - MHX
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Listening to songs and having a relaxing time with family is possibly the best way to reduce post-work stress! Bonus- A holiday on a weekday is more appreciated and changes mood quickly(it is more effective than weekend holidays also) !😎
How you spend your free time after work? :)
Sini Katariina
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Gayatri - MHX
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improves brain connectivity
What are some ways that reading books on a regular basis might help you to make positive changes?
Gayatri - MHX
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Gayatri - MHX
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I am very excited to use this prod. As a plant lover, I do often forget to take care of my plants while juggling with work and studies, hope this comes as a boon to my ease my struggle!!! @alex__p Congrats!!✨✨👍

Plant Care
Plant care instructions, identify plants, water reminders

Gayatri - MHX
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making productivity at ease 2.0 is hereee!!! nice productt!!

Hugo 2.0
Better meetings through centralized, actionable notes

Gayatri - MHX
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GUyz a great product!! Love the structure!! to many more new products. wish you the best!👍👍👍💖 @joshlowy
Hugo Calendar
Calendar, notes, and tasks app - make every meeting worth it

Gayatri - MHX
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nice work! great product!!! Keep it up @david_butler93 congrats on the new launch buddy!!✨✨🙌
Build verifiable experience through open source

Gayatri - MHX
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having used duolingo for past 2 years!!!!!!! Amazing app for all language learners for free!!!!!

Learn languages completely free.

Gayatri - MHX
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great work, impressive, keep it up!!!!!!!!!! @peeplaja

Improve your website copy based on data from your audience

Gayatri - MHX
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Very effective tool for picking everything from one place!!!!
Startup Pitch Decks
Real decks from real startups that raised over $400M

Gayatri - MHX
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apt illlustrtions and examples!!!!!

How to solve big problems and test new ideas in 5 days

Gayatri - MHX
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Canva is my go to for posters!!! Cant wait to tey out more iconsss!!!!🤌🤌🤌

Iconscout for Canva
Access 3 millions+ icons from Iconscout, right within Canva

Gayatri - MHX
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damnnnn i created logo for my group...>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amaaazziiinnngggggggggggggggggggggg>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Clean, simple, hassle-free logo design