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Proof of Position Protocol: the web3 blue checkmark.
POPP is a protocol designed for the verification of employment credentials on-chain.
POPP enables seamless verification of an individual's position within an organization, facilitates the cryptographic linking of social profiles and communication channels to their respective positions, and grants access to exclusive online spaces through...

Proof Of Position Protocol
The web3 blue checkmark

POPP enables verification of a position within an organization, facilitates cryptographic linking of social profiles and communication channels, and grants access to exclusive online spaces through token gates.
Join our beta program now!

Proof Of Position Protocol
The web3 blue checkmark

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Ahoy product hunters!
Mood Climate is a side project I've been working on for some time. Basically sentiment & topic analysis in slack. A tool for managers to be better in touch with their team and morale.
Empathy as a service.
It was built using laravel and IBM watson.
It was fun to build and I hope you enjoy it.

Mood Climate
Measure your team's morale & personalities in slack

Mood Climate is a slack app that analyses your team's sentiment towards particular topics.
"Dinesh really dislikes the new merger"
Managers can then have a dashboard for their team's sentiment.
Another nifty feature is personality analysis.

Mood Climate
Measure your team's morale & personalities in slack

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very promising. auth using github doesn't seem to be working - custom vision API
Image recognition API. Use your own Artificial Intelligence

Say What Bot
Transcribe any voice message into text...magic!