All activity
Include files, pull requests and more from public and private repositories on GitHub
- Up-to-date GitHub documentation in Confluence
- Markdown, AsciiDoc support & code highlighting
- Rendering of images and other binary files
Include GitHub for Confluence
Include Metadata from GitHub
- Automatically merges Pull Requests once all checks passed
- Waits for Builds to Succeed
- Decide up front its a Show or Ask Pull Request
DevSensei Auto Merge for Bitbucket
Automatically merges Pull Requests once all checks passed
Statistics for developers and engineering managers to get more data-driven insights. Connects to Bitbucket & GitHub repositories.
- Developer Summary
- For Engineering Managers
- For the Sprint Retrospective
- Developer Summary
- For Engineering Managers
- For the Sprint Retrospective
Developer Statistics for Confluence
Statistics for developers and managers to get more insights
Want to keep your Jira issues safe from secrets & PII information?
No More Secrets for Jira can help!
- Detect secrets like access tokens & PII information in Jira issues
- Scan existing Jira projects on demand
- Get notified when new secrets are detected
No More Secrets for Jira
Keeping your Jira issues safe from secrets