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Really excited to see what Cliff makes. Probably one of the more divisive yet unequivocally talented makers out there, and the first IP from his new development studio Boss Key Productions.
Seems like they're focused on making a skill-based shooter with a steep learning curve which should lead to an awesome competitive scene for players/viewers.

FTP sci-fi shooter by Cliff Bleszinski

FTP sci-fi shooter by Cliff Bleszinski

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I've been looking for a new excuse to avoid my diet!

Snacks from around the world, delivered monthly

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Spent way too much time in the "Try Me" section. Took this as a test of my metal knowledge rather than a query to test if I was human. Really fun product.
This would be a great product for the Metal Archives

Metal Captcha
A captcha form for metal fans

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This product is gonna get some back draft, but I'm sure we'll get passed that gas once we get a couple of hunters to stand behind it.

Fartners - Fart Together
The Social Network For Your Ass

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Interesting idea with India-based rideshare aggregation. There's a similar service in the US called Ridescout* that was hunted a while back that aggregates rideshare/bikeshare as well as other modes of transportation.
* =

Aggregator app for Uber, Taxiforsure & Olacabs

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Such a simple product that has the ability to motivate me to finish my games, make me embarrassed that I've bought so many games, and inspire me to control my impulse buys during Steam sales. Actually, nothing can stop Steam impulse buys.

How long would it take to play your entire Steam library?