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Max V
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The claim that "See how your website LOOKS on social media" is incorrect.
At best, it shows you how it MAY look, not how it actually looks.
There is a 1,000 of other emulators like that and the actual result is often quite different to what they claim, specially around the edge cases.
I wish someone made a site that posts the URL to social sites, then grabs the screenshots and shows them to me.

How's It Lookin'
See how your website looks on social media, texts, and more

Max V
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If, like me, you look at UpWork jobs from time to time, you probably noticed that sifting through the search results takes a long time, partially, because the same jobs appear in different feeds and searches.
This browser add-on tells me which jobs I scrolled past earlier to help me focus only on the ones I have not seen yet.
This simple colour-coding saves me a lot of time. Hope it can help...

Quicker UpWork job search
A browser addon to highlight UpWork jobs you saw earlier

This addon records which UpWork job posts you scrolled through and adds a grey background to them so that you know you already saw them.
No need to click on anything or open the post - it is counted as "viewed" when it comes into view in the search results.

Quicker UpWork job search
A browser addon to highlight UpWork jobs you saw earlier

Max V
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There are significant privacy and business model concerns with this product.
1. They send telemetry and who know other data to themselves
2. The source code is not available, so who knows what else is in there
3. The need to make money + closed source + VC investors is not the formula I'd like my terminal to be built on.
See this discussion on HackerNews for more details...
The terminal for the 21st century

Max V
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Looks useful, but running a black box app on my machine with highly privileged access to an AWS account is a bit too risky. Placing compiled executables on GitHub with no source code available makes it look even more dodgy.
You can make it open source and still sell paid subscriptions. An alternative business model can be to suggest alternatives to AWS services and how they compare. It would...
See, understand, and reduce AWS costs

Max V
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?makers, why do you require date of birth and gender during sign up? What difference does this information make to the process or outcome?

Pioneer 3.0
A home for founders on day 0

Max V
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Can you make it a standalone website for me to submit an SVG file?

Outline to Single Stroke
Converts filled shapes back to editable single line vectors

Max V
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Passionate about what?
What special qualities does a "founder" have compared to non-founders?
Would you be interested in Hiring an Ex founder?
sulyman moyo
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Max V
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Droplet is a term used by DigitalOcean.
Help me choose a name
Bogdan Popa
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Max V
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These guys are onto something. Can't wait for our lockdown to be over to hear it for myself.
What's a startup to keep an eye on?
Richard Fang
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Max V
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A shared purpose, explicit or implicit.
What do you think makes a community?
Senthilnathan RM
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Max V
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How do you make money? The extension is not open-source and your Privacy Policy says you can collect whatever data you want, keep it forever and share it with whoever.

Code-search engine for developers

Max V
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I thought this was another April's Fool Joke, but no, these guys are for real.
Great Recruiting Emails
A booklet featuring amazing outreach from top companies

Max V
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@matthew_knippen, your pricing is quite aggressive for a consumer app. Either I get a 7-day trial with a $230 annual subscription or it's $30 to try it. The pricing is not revealed upfront either - it is buried deep in FAQ.
Did you arrive to it by experimenting?
Also, there are plenty of negative reviews on GooglePlay from ripped off customers who tried to cancel and got hit with a $120...

Charge Running
Social running app with real-time coaching

Max V
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Nah, this is for joggers, not runners. You can tell if you are in the easy, moderate or heavy zone by how engaged your brain is. Jogging to music? Sure. Music for fartlek? You kidding me - I'm thinking how not to die before I reach the end of the interval. Even tempo runs demand focus and attention. When you RUN you listen to your body, nothing else matters.
Not saying it's a bad idea. Just...
Running Workouts by Weav Music
Coaching & music responding to your performance in real time

Max V
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Funny, I've just finished writing an article on validating a very similar idea with Lean Canvas.
@jamalx31, interested to know what you think. And feel free to ping me if you need feedback on your apps and ideas.
Do you struggle with getting early feedback for your newborn app?
Jamal Mashal
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Max V
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Solving #3 seems to be pointless without fixing #1 & #2.
Hey! I would love to get some feedback on this idea. 1st do you understand/agree on the problem?
David Kremlinsky
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