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The world of NFTs is vast and constantly evolving.
With our app, we aim to provide a platform for users to easily create and share their own unique NFTs. Our app, called OwnerBe, allows users to write posts and then turn those posts into NFTs. This allows users to earn advertising revenue from their NFTs. Some of the features that we are currently working on include the ability to buy and...
We're working on an App that is focused on NFTs
Rob Henrichs
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A superpower that can make people's greed disappear
What kind of superpower would you like to have and why?
Amy Walsh
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I really enjoyed reading your post about DAOs!
The way you explained the concept of a decentralized autonomous organization and the differences between them and traditional organizations was really clear and concise. Your discussion of token voting and smart contracts was particularly interesting, and it really helped me to understand the unique governance mechanisms of DAOs....
What's a DAO? Your jargon-free beginners guide to crypto’s new way of working
Samantha Marin

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Is it available in all countries?
ZELF instant card with crypto recharge
Instant card with crypto recharge

A world where the works I create become my own digital assets! Express your valuable ideas and thoughts on OwnerBe - platform where anyone can easily create and trade NFT content. In addition, it is provided as a members-only and open space.

Make various NFT communities based on interests

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Via a token reward system, OwnerBe provides fair profits to content creators. Everyone can freely communicate in their own space and share all the profits and values generated therein equitably. Also, this platform makes it easy for anyone to create an NFT community.
The components of the product are:
- Members Only: Provides a separate bulletin board space that can only be viewed by...

Make various NFT communities based on interests

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Wow we could meet someday by GoSayHELLO App!

Discover new people & events within a short walk from you

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Do you have a NFT or are you interested?
Just Come and See !

NFT, Community