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  • Filip Rakowski

    Filip Rakowski

    Co-founder@ Vue Storefront
    92 points
    All activity
    Filip Rakowski
    While most component libraries provide a great experience out of the box, they fail when it comes to heavy customization and performance. Our goal with Storefront UI was to overcome this problem and create a Vue.js based library that looks great
    Storefront UI
    The first Vue.js UI library dedicated to eCommerce
    Filip Rakowski

    Vue Storefront 1.0 is production-ready an all-in-one front-end that enables you to run a new eCommerce front-end without any changes in the backend platform.

    It gives you the possibility to create a storefront for both web and mobile with a native-like mobile experience.

    It is hard to make a tl;dr for VS, so feel free to ask any questions :)

    Vue Storefront 1.0
    Create a native-like app for eCommerce as a web platform
    Filip Rakowski

    We’d like to share with you the most interesting articles, projects, tutorials and sometimes even our own thoughts about Progressive Web Apps and modern JavaScript every month from now on!

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