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Floriel Fedry
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👋 Hi Marcus,
Here are some of my questions:
As a young entrepreneur, what is the knowledge that you should be focus on acquiring? What mistakes did you make that hold you back?
When building online businesses every year, do you reuse pieces made for the previous ones? What is your process to evaluate an idea?
How would you describe Scandinavian metal to someone that doesn't know it?
👋 I'm Marcus Taylor, Founder of Venture Harbour, AMA about bootstrapping & automation.
Marcus Taylor
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Tosin is an opinionated way to start the creation of an npm package. Below are some of its features:
- Continuous Integration
- Eslint + Prettier
- Build system
- Testing Framework Jest configured
- Documentation website ready to be deployed

Initialize a npm package with CI, documentation and more

Floriel Fedry
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When creating a package, there are a few things that I find myself setting up every time. Most of those are quite common in javascript development like using eslint and prettier.
Others are related to best practices set by GitHub like having a code of conduct,
Or by npm with the quality score like setting up continuous integration, specifying the path of files that needs to...

Initialize a npm package with CI, documentation and more

When you are building a website with a css framework like Bootstrap, you will only use a part of the framework and unused css styles will be included.
Purgecss removes unused selectors from your css, resulting in smaller files.
"With PurgeCSS, you'll have a hard time generating CSS that isn't under 10kb minified and gzipped." - Tailwindcss docs

Easily remove unused CSS