Feifan Wang

Feifan Wang

I work on https://www.SourceMedium.com
236 points
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Feifan Wang
Sign up TestFlight testers with simple HTML forms
Feifan Wang
Mega Tags
Mega Tags
The most complete social media meta tag generator
Feifan Wang
Effective 15-minute core workouts on your iPhone
Feifan Wang
Feifan Wang
left a comment
BOOM! This is a game changer. Thank you @milankragujevic for making this!
Browser Popcorn
Browser Popcorn
Popcorn Time in your browser. Stream movies for free.
Feifan Wang
iOS Cookies
iOS Cookies
A hand curated collection of iOS libraries written in Swift
Feifan Wang
Product Metrics Modeller
Product Metrics Modeller
An interactive model for calculating retained active users
Feifan Wang
Sketch Constraints Plugin
Sketch Constraints Plugin
A plugin that constrains lay out layers to parent layers.
Feifan Wang
Building the Right Mobile App
Building the Right Mobile App
A free email course on validating your mobile app ideas
Feifan Wang
Mega Tags
Mega Tags
The ultimate social media meta tag generator