I'm a 3x founder, CEO and Founder of Cicero.ly, Intel Ignite Mentor, a Flow Institute Certified Business Coach, 5/5 Rated GrowthMentor with over 70 reviews, and Creator of the No BS Startup Guide who has worked with over 200 founders and executives on growth strategy, idea validation, leadership, and product development. I have +10 years of experience in product management, sales, marketing, and customer experience strategy at top tier Venture-Backed Silicon Valley companies such as Sendgrid/Twilio, Guild Education, Nylas, and more.
CEO and Founder at Cicero


Gone streaking

Gone streaking 5
Maker History
- No BS Ultimate Startup GuideLaunch, Grow and Scale 3-5x Faster
- No BS Startup Ultimate GuideJun 2023
- No BS Startup Ignition ToolkitMay 2023
Joined Product HuntOctober 12th, 2021